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Yes, got the PS finally but not time to hook it up. Went for everything maxxed on it.
Awesome... I'm sure it will sound even better than it did when I owned it. I can't wait to hear your impressions. It's going to eat your PPA alive. >:D

mjg, did you get the headbands upgrade? That is one of the mods I regret not getting. The Beyer headbands don't cut it, IMHO.

I'm getting a brand new 325i headband. These things are gonna be pimping to a whole new standard ; ).


Its the "Smokin' Dynahi" that larry has had listed in his signature for a while. Used to be mine. During shipping the transformer shifted and shorted when he powered it up. SFT has built a new PSU for him. :)


Them thar Ebony ones are just about out the door (tomorrow or Monday?, one of the two), woohoo... I figured out I have just enough for one more pair in Black, since someone has already inquired fairly seriously. While I probably won't have pure black Ebony again anytime soon, I should have another variety within a few months. Getting it thick enough is not easy to find. I think MJG asked me about the first day HF-1's came out if Ebony was an option and a few times after before I caved, haha...

niiice can't wait.

I hope mine still get to be unique hehe.


well once you go black you never go back....

i am quite impressed that you got it without the buttons....cant wait to see pics and impressions... jahn and i were not able to order the hhf-1 without the buttons because he is too shallow...


i got love for everyone,

I know what they are inside, i think without the buttons they will look alot better... I'm keeping the buttons anyhow just in case.

I'm gonna borrow my mom's g6 and get some good pictures for everyone, it's a bet ; ).


they are really pretzels....

its a trick.

larry was eating pretzels and they fooled him into making pretzel hf1's.

; )

Larry u should take a bow for your awesome work.


i think for the pure black look, no button was the way to go. Stealth.

for 1911's cocobolo blackmailing cans tho, i think there must be a swirl or two in there to match the button, right? :P


only hf1's i like with the button are the cherry wood ones....

If you go with a button maybe have larry try his new wood dye stuff to get it to match... I haven't seena cocobolo hf1 yet so I'll reserve my opinion until then ; )

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