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I was out horse trading some gear and came out of it with a set of JBL L100's and a set of these.

Sound md-401b quad headphones. This is a stock photo, but my set looks almost new.

I haven't had a chance to fire them up yet. It's going to take some thought as to best do it.

I could try using two amps, and reverse the two rear channels, which is supposed to sound ok.

I unfortunately no longer have the Marantz quad receiver or other gear around to do this right.



Get a surround sound pre-processor (or a receiver that has separately mutable speaker outs and pre outs -- I.E. the ability to mute the speakers, without muting the pre outs -- receivers are usually a lot less expensive). Set it up for 4.0 -- I.E. no subwoofer, full range to all channels, and a phantom center that gets mixed in equal proportions to the front left and right.

Oh, and: noice!


Well, sound wise not so good. My guess the drivers have seen better days. Good thing they weren't anything but an add on.

The guy just tossed them into the deal. I'm going to have to find a way to open them up for a look see. Or just set them out

somewhere for eye candy. Maybe there's a reason you don't see much mention of them on the web.

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