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Both are up and running in my bedroom system. No serious listening yet (I've heard well broken in K701s before :) ). I'll drag them into my main system and do some serious evaluations in a couple of weeks.

Honestly, I purchased the Oppo because it upconverts to 720P and because it can be set to region free. I seriously doubt that it's any better sounding than the Pioneer DV-563a that it's replacing. In a couple of weeks I'll compare it to the 563a and my Exemplar 3910. So far I like the build of the 970HD and its features.


As luck would have it, I'm also enjoying my "new" 701's. They've just gone balanced and are going nicely with the Supra XLR. Definitely a nice response! I can see these giving my 650's a serious run for playing time.

Honestly, I purchased the Oppo because it ... can be set to region free.
But still NTSC only, right?

I'll be anticipating your comments as well. I am curious about a nice universal player. I've heard good things about the Oppos, but only as entry level.


I?ll probably re-cable after I get back from the CES. Here?s the shocker; I?m not re-cabling with Siltech. I have obtained 4 meters of Crystal Cable for the job. I don?t believe the Crystal is better than the Siltech that I used on my SA5000s, but it is significantly more flexible and user friendly.

I know the 701s best the stock SA5000s but I want to determine how they compare with my modded SA5000s before I proceed with re-cabling the 701s.

In the end I may end up re-cabling the 701s with Siltech. We?ll see.

The Oppo 970HD. ? I believe it?ll do PAL as well. At least it appeared to ask PAL or NTSC. I?ll check to make sure.


According to this page, it contains the following feature:

PAL/NTSC disc and TV compatible with automatic or manual system conversion
So ... yeah, looks like I'm getting one of these to replace my cheap US$20 ratshack player which I was planning on giving to my mom. (She had my Sony, but I want that back.)

Pair of K1000s that I bought from hungrych arrived today. This is my 2nd go around with them, I never should have sold my first pair. Even using just my ppx slam with 6bl7 output tubes they sound absolutely fantastic.

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