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AXPONA 2011 June 24-25 in NYC

This thing looks to be very big and interesting. No shows in NYC in the past few years so I am looking forward to this. Anyone from NY coming?

I am going to attend one of the days, haven't figured out my schedule yet for which one (more than likely Saturday). Would be great to see you there.


I am going to attend one of the days, haven't figured out my schedule yet for which one (more than likely Saturday). Would be great to see you there.

Great! I will be there one of the days as well.

Posted (edited)

I walked by the venue Affinia hotel several times during my stay in NYC this past weekend. Really conveniently located, almost literally across from Penn Station (so people commuting in from Brooklyn or Queens, or beyond, might want to take the LIRR) and really close to 4 different subway lines (blue, red, orange, & yellow). The PATH station is really close too for folks going from New Jersey. Just checked and the rooms at the hotel are pretty cheap too, for NYC at least - just under $200/night for a standard 2-bed.

Here's the Google map highlighting the subway lines w/ nearby stops: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=371+7th+Avenue,+New+York,+NY&aq=1&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=37.956457,58.359375&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=371+7th+Ave,+New+York,+10001&ll=40.749273,-73.990602&spn=0.008876,0.014248&z=16&lci=transit_comp

Edited by Asr
  • 3 weeks later...

I should be rolling in first thing in the morning hoping to get some listening time before the masses arrive. I have seen a few music vendors on there but I am hoping the big guys, Acoustic Sounds, Music Direct, etc. bring the big sales floors they use to bring to the Stereophile show.

Posted (edited)

I think I'll be going in tomorrow a bit after it opens. Any exhibits worth prioritizing Dimitry?

I liked Nightingale room. Italian open baffle speakers with tube gear, good stuff. Linkwitz room was very good. Legacy Audio was nice and Cetoole should check it out. Make sure you check out Wharfedale speakers with huge APL 833TNT amps, very interesting stuff. EgglestonWorks with Rogue was nice, not superb but good.

I did not like MBL room, but what is new, I never liked them. I listened to this stuff many many times and it's not my cup of tea at all. Davone Speakers very interesting but colored. I did not get Joseph Audio stuff at all, what is the deal with them? KEF and Revel rooms were not impressive to these ears. I could not get a good idea about TAD, as that room was packed to the brim.

I will probably get there between 10-11. Think they will object if I bring a few CDs to demo gear with?

Some rooms play stuff and I made them play Tony Levin, nice bass in Legacy room. You will like it. I also listened to some avant jazz and finish folk with frame drums and throat singing, that cleared rooms very nicely :D

I took some picture, but they all came out like crap on my P&S.:(

Edited by faust3d

I think I have been to all the rooms. Not the best show for amenities or navigation but there some okay rooms and great deals on media. Best rooms for me were TAD and Orion. Nightingale could have been good but some Dbag producer was in there making everyone listen to his album. Music was pretty good but he would not shut the fuck up.

Got all the Hdtracks HDR 1 to 1 discs for half price so it was worth the trip.


I think I have been to all the rooms. Not the best show for amenities or navigation but there some okay rooms and great deals on media. Best rooms for me were TAD and Orion. Nightingale could have been good but some Dbag producer was in there making everyone listen to his album. Music was pretty good but he would not shut the fuck up.

Got all the Hdtracks HDR 1 to 1 discs for half price so it was worth the trip.

Linkwitz room was very good and I had a nice conversation with Siegfried. I checked out HD Tracks and CDs for sale. I simply don't carre much for most of the stuff they sell, YMMV :)

I forgot to comment about Steinway Lyngdorf room, I hated it, for the money it sucked big time.


It is actually HR 1 to 1. Supposedly exact one to one copies of studio masters at 192/24. The Chesky brother with the long hair told me they are as good as it gets. Also got several MA recording DVD-r masters that Jack Woo convinced me to buy and all of the UDC Series 32/192 collector series. Yet another copy of Brothers in Arms. :)


Been at the show for a few hours. Not really impressed with any of the stereo rooms, most were too boomy sounding. live music demo in the wharf room was exceptional. And I was blown away by the d-box home theater demonstration just floored. More on it when I get to my laptop.

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