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I have been out of the loop for a week or so. I got to work today and was greeted with this:

http://www.sun-sentinel.com/multimedia/os-remembering-chris-hondros-20110421,0,4525593.story (Chris Hondros remembered)

Chris Hondros took Joe Raedle's place in Libya. His work, along with Joe's and Carolyn Cole's has always stood out and made me look at the wires, even when I'm working on local copy. Thursday before last, just before I started my time off, one of Hondros' pictures stopped me cold. It was a beautiful (if such a thing is possible), iconic image of a rebel fighter. I switched it to full screen and showed it to the photographer sitting next to me and made a comment about how Joe's had such bad luck with wars. The picture should have been his. (Joe was having a streak of phenomenal work in Iraq that was cut short when he got wounded there.) I said that Hondros and Carolyn have all the luck. They're indestructible, I said.


Sorry for the loss, Carl, that does indeed suck. My son and I just watched the movie Anzio the other day, which is about a serial war correspondent. Even though it is way more hokey than I recalled, it does drive home the kind of risks and rewards of that profession.

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