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What Games Are You Getting?

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2011 looks like it's going to be another busy year for great games and in the next month or so I'll be looking at getting: Killzone 3, Bulletstorm, Dragon Age 2, Dawn of War II: Retribution and maybe Homefront.

What games are you guys looking forward to picking up this year?


Skyrim. That's definitely #1.

Also Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition; I'm hoping that it will come to consoles. Right now Marvel is all the new hype but I never liked those games, so in the meanwhile SSF4 is dead and I'm hoping AE DLC will revive it somewhat. Even if my main (Honda) got nerfed into oblivion. But at least I can (hopefully) use Gen again.

Mortal Kombat 9 looks fierce. I don't know how well it will play, and there are some worrying signs that it may not be all that, but still I'll check it out.

King of Fighters 13 is also on the menu, assuming that it sees a console release in the first place. I never tried KOF but the fundamentals look close enough to SF that I should be able to enjoy it.

At some point I should start playing QuakeLive again (last time was 5 years ago in Q3), but I know if I do all the free time that I don't even have will disappear entirely.

Last but not least, Heroes of Might and Magic 6. I really didn't like 5, but this is a new studio, and hopefully there will be a change in direction.

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