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Got up early for a 5:30am "training" call on a new app that is being used to share files for board meetings. Basically, so you don't have to travel with a stack of papers that contain confidential information. Lady calls me from London (it was the only time all day she could fit me in), and I tell her I've downloaded the app, have logged in, changed my password, and created two security questions. She seems relieved. On we go to the training... about how to navigate.

Click on the navigate button.
Ok, gotcha.
Now click on the sample file.
You should see items on the left. Tab 1, Tab 2, and Tab 3.
So you can click on any of those and it will take you to the respective tab.
Do you want to try one?
Sure. I've just clicked on Tab 1.
Ok, well that should take you to Tab 1.
Now you can click on the Agenda button and that takes you back to where you started from, so now you see Tab 1, Tab 2, and Tab 3 again. Then when you're within a tab you can go form page to page with the right arrow to advance a page and the left arrow to go back a page.
So you're understanding everything?
So far.
Ok, another interesting feature is in the lower right hand corner. Do you see where it shows the page numbers?
Yes, Im on page 8 of 96.
Ok, good. So where it says 8, you can type in a specific number that you might want to go to.
Ok, like 49? Yup I just did that, and it took me right there. That's good to know.
Ok, well that's pretty much everything. Do you have any questions.
No, I think I'll be fine. It seems pretty simple.
Oh, it really is. That's what everyone says. (Not picking up on my sarcasm, apparently.)
Ok, thanks again. You have a good day...

WTF??!!?!? Why must there be "training" on absolutely fucking everything in the corporate world!!?!?! Fucking sun wasn't even up and I was already pissed off.


Edited by Wmcmanus
  • Like 2
2 hours ago, Wmcmanus said:

Got up early for a 5:30am "training" call on a new app that is being used to share files for board meetings. Basically, so you don't have to travel with a stack of papers that contain confidential information. Lady calls me from London (it was the only time all day she could fit me in), and I tell her I've downloaded the app, have logged in, changed my password, and created two security questions. She seems relieved. On we go to the training... about how to navigate.

**Removed funny stuff you can read about above**

WTF??!!?!? Why must there be "training" on absolutely fucking everything in the corporate world!!?!?! Fucking sun wasn't even up and I was already pissed off.


This is what happens when no child is left behind. #ThanksObama #SarcasmTagUsedForTheBenefitOfMcManus


  • Like 1

Today must be my lucky day.

Typically I end up owing a couple of grand every year on my taxes because I must have checked too many boxes at some point. Last year it was about $3k.

We just got our W-2's and it looks like I'm due for a $50 buck refund this time around!

Going from thinking I owed another $3k to getting 50 bucks back sure put a smile on my face.

  • Like 7
9 minutes ago, TMoney said:

Today must be my lucky day.

Typically I end up owing a couple of grand every year on my taxes because I must have checked too many boxes at some point. Last year it was about $3k.

We just got our W-2's and it looks like I'm due for a $50 buck refund this time around!

Going from thinking I owed another $3k to getting 50 bucks back sure put a smile on my face.

Congrat! You should upgrade your video card now.


  • Like 1

Went to the Verizon store to check out the new models available for my impending upgrade eligibility in a few weeks. I was never so bored looking at smartphones in my life. So uninspiring. The most interesting model was a svelte looking flip phone that made me actually consider going backward technology-wise.

  • Like 1

I sent my new fish finder back to the manufacturer for the second time after receiving it back "no issue found". It thew an error on the first load, had screen damage, and the memory map card got stuck in it and would not eject....

They better fix it this time [emoji35]

23 minutes ago, Dreadhead said:

I sent my new fish finder back to the manufacturer for the second time after receiving it back "no issue found". It thew an error on the first load, had screen damage, and the memory map card got stuck in it and would not eject....

They better fix it this time emoji35.png

You should video it not working next time.


  • Like 1
4 hours ago, MexicanDragon said:

You should video it not working next time.


I'd second that. Just did the same with the failing heated front screen in my Ford one frosty morning recently to give the (Ford) garage no way to go with "no fault found". As a result of the evidence there was no messing around. New screen to be fitted next Friday. Under guarantee, fortunately. 


Had my last Dr. visit for my finger.

As it turns out, I had the story wrong. It seems my finger did indeed contact the saw blade, as my co-worker told me he found tissue on the blade.

The other surprise is that the tissue under where the fingernail was has hardened. It is turning into a fingernail. Having lost one before, I know that's what happens, and the deformed nail, then grows out and usually flattens into a more normal looking nail. Pretty amazing how fast the finger is healing, and I'm very happy with the results. Much better than I expected.


  • Like 16

Well, that certainly wasn't the inaugural address I was expecting. Not exactly unifying. He really feels like a true populist.

This is the closest we are going to get to actually electing Willie Stark.

49 minutes ago, TMoney said:

Well, that certainly wasn't the inaugural address I was expecting. Not exactly unifying. He really feels like a true populist.

This is the closest we are going to get to actually electing Willie Stark.

He's a fuckhead, and his core constituency is other fuckheads. He really has very little incentive to moderate the rhetoric that got him elected, since the more extreme he is the more they like it.

  • Like 4
5 minutes ago, Hopstretch said:

He's a fuckhead, and his core constituency is other fuckheads. He really has very little incentive to moderate the rhetoric that got him elected, since the more extreme he is the more they like it.

I was watching the latest Frontline special last night (a retrospective look at the last 8 years of the Obama presidency) and one of the theories Frontline put forward was that a lot of the roots of the explosion of populism and populist rage can be traced to the 2008 recession, the subsequent bailouts, and the uneven distribution of the fruits of the recovery.

It actually made a lot of sense.

I'll post more on it once I finish watching. It a 4 hour long program.


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