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And now what did you do TODAY?


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Waiting for Iroman3 to start in an empty theater.


Funny, I saw it in a theater last weekend with two other people besides us.


Oh, and nice work, Acidbasement!  And vultures are everywhere out near Mayberry.  Even the ones with actual feathers.

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Got home last night to test the freshly cleaned carb on the tractor. One pull, fired right up, yay!

arriving soon in a post near you, Nate mowing the lawn.



And sweet raise!  I'd be psyched to get 2% this year, which seems unlikely given the budget shenanigans that continue to go on in Washington.  Right now a 5% cut is what I'm looking at.

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exhausted.  rented a cargo van to pick up BHSE powdercoated parts.  they were easily loaded with a forklift, but since i do not have that or the proper door, i unloaded the 1500lb of it by hand.  then played soccer for two hours.  trying to laser engrave tonight

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Helped a cockatiel chick out of its eggshell this morning.  Three eggs to go.


Our birds had one successful clutch in the winter, and since then they've had three duds (one of which was nasty - they attacked the chicks right after they hatched).  This one looks like it's off to a good start, with father Lance already starting to feed it.

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"Hello, Mrs. Maher?  Hi, this is acidbasement.  Yes, the one from the internet.  Listen, it's come to our attention that your lawn looks too nice, and, well, it's making the rest of us look bad.  Would you consider mowing less frequently and mulching please?  We'd really appreciate it.  Thanks, and have a great weekend!"


Think it'll work?  Awaiting your phone number.

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