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Wow Al, that was one awful experience. Kind thoughts sent your way.

I'm waiting at my desk for the AAA battery guy. First night back at work after a week off. I started out for a salad for lunch and was delayed for an hour by a dingbat employee who welcomed me back with passive aggressive silliness. Finally got to my car, turned the key and ....... called triple A. The good part is that I can wait here in the relative comfort of my cubicle, so it's no biggie. Apart from that cinnamon bun from the vending machine, that is.

Update: AAA guy tests battery and proclaims it in good health. He finds my negative cable in poor shape, snips off the end, cleans it up, installs a new terminal clamp and the car starts perfectly - at least in his presence. And he doesn't charge me anything. So there's some good karma floating around today. If it's transferable, I'm forwarding it to everybody with ailing parents.


Sending the best thoughts out to your Dad, Al!

I was at my Grandfather's house while he had a stroke at breakfast, a few years back. That was absolutely terrifying!

Keep us posted, and vent all you need!

Posted (edited)

Good thoughts to archosman and Al. Both tough situations and I send peaceful thoughts to both of you.

x N. Really sorry to hear about your respective fathers. Archosman, gald you are able to be there with your dad.

Edited by Pars

Sorry to hear about your scary experience Al. Hang in there my friend, I am thinking of you and your family and wishing you all strength and peace.

Posted (edited)

I grade all upper division and grad class exams myself.

Extra credit - find a way to make the proofs converge onto a compact space (scantron). ;) have fun Shelly.

Good luck to all the dads.

Edited by crappyjones123

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