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And now what did you do TODAY?


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Started getting a sore throat last night. Tried to go to bed early, instead I was up half the night - just couldn't get to sleep. This morning my throat is killing me and it is clear that I am sick. It wouldn't be so bad but I have to fly to North Carolina tomorrow to give an invited address and run a special session over the weekend. I need to work on my talk but all I want to do is sleep. Sigh.

Hot tea with lemon, honey and the whisk(e)y of your choice. Hope you feel better.

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Thanks jvlgato. I'm pretty excited as it's once every 2 years and I have been turned down in the past for another paper (probably justifiably so) and the last time I was accepted my adviser presented and did not take me (he was and is a bit of a selfish prick). Should be a good paper on the statistics and particle kinematics of nonlinear open ocean wave simulations (rouge waves and such), going to be interesting to see what we find.

Edit: And yeah an excuse to go to Sweden is welcome as my wife's dad's family all lives there.

Edited by Dreadhead
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Sounds like an interesting paper! I skipped my fluid mechanics course in college, and now wish I hadn't. Oh well, waaay too late now!

How would you do this, do you get some real data then use computer modeling from there?

And do rouge waves wear red make- up? tongue.png

Dyslexia for the win (medically diagnosed and everything)! Damn.

Boring stuff to follow:

I developed a nonlinear wave model as part of my thesis work. The paper is going to study the time evolution of a large patch of ocean for the same initial conditions but with differing orders of non-linearity. Earlier this year I presented results (along with co-authors who did the experiments) showing that the Guassian distributed linear wave models that 90+% of the industry uses for predicting the amplitudes for incident waves do not accurately capture the large wave events at all. This has some potentially very serious repercussions on how we design for extreme waves.

Also of (no) interest is that I recently did some numerical work that shows that the Gaussian distributed waves that everyone uses aren't so Gaussian when actually realized in the time domain using any of the standard methods. This is going to cause a lot of statisticians in my field to have some bad days. This should be published sometime in the next few months. This is the work I've picked up a committee spot for a PhD. candidate at Michigan (well at least in theory).

All this statistics and waves stuff is a side project for me so it's hard to find time.

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Was it proven that they are evil?

Or are they just protecting their giant alien catfish eggs, or maybe they didn't even notice there was a ship present when they swam by with their giant space catfish fins and whiskers?

Are you evil when you step on an ant and didn't even notice it?

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Cool beans Chris. That sounds both interesting and useful.

Sitting at Reagan International realizing that the free wifi is overpriced.

Update: Actually the airport is a microcosm of the Federal government, one big clusterfuck.

Edited by morphsci
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