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And now what did you do TODAY?


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Al, sucks about the delay.

Yep, definitely cuter.

winged carpenter ants are far better than termites and cheaper to get rid of which means more money is left over for cocktails!

Al have fun with the family and FYI, I never ever saw any German frauleins that looked like the pictures [posted and believe me I spent a lot of time in every beer hall from Berlin to Tirol, the fantasy is a good one though.

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Al, have a great vacation!


Shelly, carpenter ants much better than either dry wood or subterranean termites.


This summer had to deal with dry wood at the apartments, and subterranean at the house. They're all over this rock! But at least once you chase them, they'll stay away for a while, unlike the woodpeckers...

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Nothing wrong with it in New York, apparently...

As for the peckers in Cayman, they've been drilling all sorts of holes in the styrofoam bands around my eaves, as in item d in the diagram below.


Wayne, ever though of using a repellentepellant like those rabbit sprays sold in home gardening stores? I use a rabbit arepellentepellant that smells like ass and it does seem to work at repelling rabbits deer and Jehovah's witness folks for a few weeks at a time.

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Wayne, ever though of using a repellentepellant like those rabbit sprays sold in home gardening stores? I use a rabbit arepellentepellant that smells like ass and it does seem to work at repelling rabbits deer and Jehovah's witness folks for a few weeks at a time.

I might give it try. I've talked to a few people here who have experimented with some of them, and apparently they "can" work but you have to use sort of biggish things and put a bunch of them around the house at various locations, so I wasn't encouraged. Sounds like I'd spend nearly as much money doing that, and would then end up with something looking nearly as retarded as all of these pecker holes! There must be about 30 of them in the eave bands, on all sides of the house.

Might end up ripping the bands out, as opposed to having them repaired only to have to go through the whole process again in a couple of years. Another option would be to cover them with cement board. At some point (funds permitting), I'm going to have to refinish the outside of the house anyway (a stucco sort of thing), so covering the existing bands with cement board might be the best option... but no doubt an expensive one.

In the meantime, I'll keep using my slingshot and hoping I don't end up taking out one of my own eyeballs like I nearly did the other day on a ricochet shot that grazed through my hair!

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In the meantime, I'll keep using my slingshot and hoping I don't end up taking out one of my own eyeballs like I nearly did the other day on a ricochet shot that grazed through my hair!

So you've narrowly escaped serious injury and only 'hope' that you won't repeat your mistake? By Wayne logic you need to be out researching trebuches.

Or you could always talk to our mutual (non headphone related) friend, the high-tech software-guided RC aircraft master. Fly him down to set you up a plane with a preset flight path that will regularly auto-engage and scare off the birds in problem areas. Now that he develops for a national security firm he can probably even find you a few bird-grade guided missiles.

Edited by NightWoundsTime
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Every Thursday I deliver to 'Historic Quincy Florida", which I'd always suspected had quite a rich and oddball past. Finally got inspired to Wiki it and do some further reading.

Cliffs notes version:

Originally developed in 1828 around a virginia/cuban seed hybrid tobacco crop. Quincy is on the top of a series of rolling hills that are a totally unique Florida agriculture site. Continued prosperity until the war, slow economic recovery until a banker made loans to sharecroppers to invest in Coca-Cola early in the 1900's, producing a solid handful of millionaires to reinvest in downtown Quincy. In 1950 it became a perfect site for shade grown wrapper leaf tobacco, until 1977 when the foreign options took over. Mushrooms were produced there until a decade ago, and the tomato farms just went through massive layoffs a few years ago. Current median family income: $31000.

The courthouse was the site of frequent hangings, so of course they sell it as haunted, and what the hell, the theater's haunted too. Currently at the theater there are posters for upcoming productions of The Music Man and Annie Get Your Gun. Nice collection of antebellum homes near downtown, including one converted to a B&B and one originally commissioned as a pre-war hangout for the mega-rich, also run as a B&B. This area is still beautifully maintained and quite stunning. The rest of the town is nearly post-apocalyptic, including downtown. The one consistently open downtown shop is a donut joint that rivals Britt's. Opens at 5 AM, closes when the last donut sells. Huge homeless population, centered around their three liquor stores. One of them is located in a neighborhood and maintains a shaded and fenced lot next door for them. Surprisingly there is almost no on-premise drinking in this town, unless you count the aforementioned shaded lot. One notable resident, The Lady Chablis, who was featured in the novel Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, and later played herself in the film. Such a perfect place for a 60 y/o infamous southern queen, living it out in a tobacco baron's home.

Also realized that I missed 'Quincyfest', the yearly Blues and BBQ deal held every May. Next year I'm definitely going.

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Congrats Ian.

Also realized that I missed 'Quincyfest', the yearly Blues and BBQ deal held every May. Next year I'm definitely going.

Was kinda hoping this was a medical examiner celebration.

Had a yard sale. Two favorite customer interactions...

1) "Would you sell your pants?"

2) Lady from L.A.: "Where are you from?" Me: "Ohio." She: "Oh, my father's from North Dakota!"

Edited by blessingx
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Congratulations Ian.

Took my grandsons on their first Amtrack ride. The 3 yr old is nuts about trains and still can't believe he got to ride one Short 1 hr 20 minute ride. Then took in a carousel, painted farm animal replicas, off to a park to play and then on to their great grandmother's 87th birthday party.

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