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I've been reflecting a lot on talent and luck recently, for a variety of reasons.  The former because I've observed that the world is full of people who believe that their own incredible luck means they are far more talented than they actually are (every tech bro not named "John Carmack" ever.)  The latter because I've been a photographer for 20 years at this point and I swear I was better in 2008 than I am now.  Similarly, I've been a DJ for over 30 years and I'm ...fine at it, but I haven't played out in a dozen years and I haven't done my radio show in over two (sad face.)  What I observed was that no matter how much effort I put into my shows (which was a lot, from having decades of esoteric musical knowledge to to spending 2-3x as long as the actual broadcast figuring out how the selected tracks should go together) what people always commented on was the long and winding rant I did at the end.

My one true talent is putting words together, either in text form with careful editing (I'm dyslexic and often accidentally a word or a letter or add add an extra one) or off the dome on a microphone.  I've been working on improving that at which I'm already good.  So far my outlet has been reddit comments (seriously) as well as a couple long form pieces (one of which got removed from reddit because fuck me right?)  I've gone after controversial subjects not because of the attention they bring but because that's what relevant.  One big one is how we ended up with Donald Jumpin' Jehosephat Trump back in the White House with Elongated Muskrat (off his tits on ketamine) in tow.  Another is is the relations between gay and trans people in the US.  You know, light fare.  I might post a couple examples here if I can figure out what thread is appropriate.

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6 hours ago, Knuckledragger said:

I've been reflecting a lot on talent and luck recently, for a variety of reasons.  The former because I've observed that the world is full of people who believe that their own incredible luck means they are far more talented than they actually are (every tech bro not named "John Carmack" ever.)  The latter because I've been a photographer for 20 years at this point and I swear I was better in 2008 than I am now.  Similarly, I've been a DJ for over 30 years and I'm ...fine at it, but I haven't played out in a dozen years and I haven't done my radio show in over two (sad face.)  What I observed was that no matter how much effort I put into my shows (which was a lot, from having decades of esoteric musical knowledge to to spending 2-3x as long as the actual broadcast figuring out how the selected tracks should go together) what people always commented on was the long and winding rant I did at the end.

My one true talent is putting words together, either in text form with careful editing (I'm dyslexic and often accidentally a word or a letter or add add an extra one) or off the dome on a microphone.  I've been working on improving that at which I'm already good.  So far my outlet has been reddit comments (seriously) as well as a couple long form pieces (one of which got removed from reddit because fuck me right?)  I've gone after controversial subjects not because of the attention they bring but because that's what relevant.  One big one is how we ended up with Donald Jumpin' Jehosephat Trump back in the White House with Elongated Muskrat (off his tits on ketamine) in tow.  Another is is the relations between gay and trans people in the US.  You know, light fare.  I might post a couple examples here if I can figure out what thread is appropriate.

This seems good material for a podcast too. Not that I'm into them, I haven't listened to a full one ever, but they're as fashionable now as radio was in the 40-50's of the past century. The wheel spins...


I was indeed very happy to hear that you and Claire would be joining us! And simultaneously worried I didn't have enough food. I'm that guy that always overestimates (with the exception of penis size), and thankfully we had enough leftovers to feed 4 more people. Everyone had a go bag.

The steaks were Flintstone size.

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  • 2 weeks later...
6 hours ago, Voltron said:

She had a ruptured appendix from January until now? I had assumed it was removed back then...:blink:

The common contemporary treatment seems to be if not caught and removed before rupture, eliminate the infection and leaked fluid through drain and antibiotics, then a bit of a race with waiting up to 6-8 weeks for the majority of inflammation to decrease, including rupture point self-healing, then removing laparoscopically, before the slowly climbing rates of possible obstruction reoccurrence. In our case had to go back on antibiotics for a week between. 

I’ll just say, we’re only twelve hours after the latter step, but it was outpatient, Esmé had solid food last night, sleeping soundly now, and we’re just on alternating regular doses of Motrin and Tylenol. Such a huge difference from the multiple hospitals, days without eating, week long stay, crazy January experience. 

  • Like 6
1 hour ago, Torpedo said:

What food were they giving her with the broken appendix leaking into the peritoneum?

In January? Mostly a diverse diet of nothing to clear liquids, expanding slightly on last couple days (and what we snuck in). The drain was monitored until leakage greatly slowed (~10mg) and then an ultrasound to verify condition before release. Then a week of additional antibiotics at home (and as mentioned above we repeated after some pain). No pizza leaking into gut. Yesterday without appendix and with titanium staple? Water and three lime popsicles before release and the dinner choices we made later. 

Posted (edited)

Wow Ric, I'm shocked that they didn't do the surgery right away. I'm glad it all went well though. 

Edited by robm321

For the appendectomy there was no eating after dinner the day before, a few things like milk were allowed up to six hours before and then clear liquids ceased when leaving for hospital (which was about 2.5 hours from surgery). 

And Rob this whole process was different than I expected, but a co-workers in-law went through the same steps a couple of months prior. 



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Tried the old "Feel  younger by surrounding yourself with Older People" trick.


Where The Future of Medicine ...


is interesting ...


And it would have worked, given the speaker was 86.

Except that the 86 year old in question, was not just any 86 year old, 

but this 86 year old.



Oh well,  I have another couple of decades to work on my scientific breakthroughs, company founding's, published articles.  and patents, so I don't feel I have been slacking.

You can see him in action, here.

And  if you needed any more  motivation, from the transcript ...

say it's exercise so for example this morning I was able to do 190 push-ups in three
different sets within a 20 minute period and 

We should all be so lucky


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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Saw the new Matthew Gasda play Doomers (jointly playing in NYC & SF). It's a split play, the first half in a conference room right after Sam Altman being fired, the second half, simultaneously happening, in the OpenAI boardroom. Loud raging debates on the benefits and dangers of artificial general intelligence and man’s role in the future in both. Loved it. 

“A play that captures the absurdity of tech’s existential hand-wringing while the world burns” — The Guardian, Feb. 4, 2025


Edited by blessingx
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