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And now what did you do TODAY?


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For the first time, today, I'm noticing the kinds of things that I first noticed in my right thumb, before arthritis really set in, in my right index finger.  I have an appointment with my doctor again early September.  Anybody ever have hand surgery?  I was told that my broken hand healed great, but that I might need surgery if my grip and joints were effected.  I'd say that they have been.  

I was thinking that Al had hand surgery but now I am thinking that he maybe had wrist surgery...

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At the end of the California Audio Show, I sat down and chatted with some of the best ears in the Bay Area (mastering engineers, mixers etc) and what did we talk about, our pets and the "Cup".

It really is amazing what technology has done in that sport. And what a long haul it is to put together a competivie team.

The battle between man and nature continues!

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Our pipe dream is to tear down an unusable barn on our property and side the house with weathered barn-board.  Free materials, but lots of work!


Hey, who wants to come and help me tear down a barn next summer?


Okay, back to work.  I had to come inside to get a beer.  Big Rock Grasshopper wheat ale is tasty on a hot, muggy day.

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Yesterday. BBQ round a friend's, who's wife rehabilitates raccoon's amongst other things.


They can be quite cute critter's, as long as it's not your property they take a liking to. Fun fact - post rehabilitation they are returned to the location they were found at. Which sometimes annoys the property owners who reported abandoned racoon's in the first place.

In addition to raccoon's, the conversation covered bouncing bombs and The Dambusters, couch to 5k. Just for fun, the start of Terminator 2 in 5.1 was played at "reference" levels to amuse the "boys" while the ladies were busy :)

Joanne and I had prepared some calorific dessert earlier that day, that was well received.


And after it all we went to see "The World's End" to round off the evening. Good Times. :)

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