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Played baseball in the backyard with the Little Monkey today. Had him shagging flies and even pitching to me, which he can actually do now. It feels good to whack a tennis ball about a half mile into the woods. Even if the ball is being grooved in by a 6-year-old.

I am amazed at his progress. He can hit, throw, and catch much better than all but one of his friends. He's a determined little guy.

Having a son is good.

Nice! That must be fun.


submitted my application to med schools last night. mcat on the 17th. then things will be out of my hands and in the admission committees.

thanks to brent for looking over my personal statement last night. i would love more input so if you would like to give it a quick read and offer suggestions to polish it please let me know and i will send it your way. it is maybe 750 words so not a terribly long read.

Good luck, CJ! I'd be happy to take a look. Just PM me.


Good luck, CJ.

Spent all day yesterday with yet another muscle spasm in my neck/shoulder. Took some meds for it at the end of the day and it knocked me out cold in couple of hours. At least I got a good night sleep for the first time in weeks.

Today, I get to schedule for my exit interview.


Sorry about the neck/shoulder spasms Haj. sad.png

At least it's a lot better today. I'm just hoping that it's not a sign that this will be a recurring thing.

Just finished replacing the kitchen faucet's pull-out hose. The whole process was surprisingly easy.


Here's to success CJ. Optimism is good.

Haj, hope you feel better and heal.

Me? Had a procedure - cooled thermal therapy. Procedure to shrink my prostrate so that hopefully I won't be up twice an hour all night long. Catheters suck! I'm on rest for the balance of today and restricted physical activity the rest of the week. Get to pull the catheter out my self on Friday, oh joy.

Now to wait for six to eight weeks to see if helps. I'm thinking almost any improvement is worth celebrating.


^^ Hope the process works!

Belated good luck to CJ, belated feel better - or glad you're feeling better - to Haj.

I played the good hubby the last few, and have picked up 4 gifts, 3 cards, one REALLY nice flower arrangement, and dinner reservations at a place near the water for my wife's birthday tomorrow....


^^ Hope the process works!

Belated good luck to CJ, belated feel better - or glad you're feeling better - to Haj.

I played the good hubby the last few, and have picked up 4 gifts, 3 cards, one REALLY nice flower arrangement, and dinner reservations at a place near the water for my wife's birthday tomorrow....

You da man! Congrats onbeing such a good spouse! Toasting your prostate for a better outcome Al.

Dan, what did you shoot? I love Kimber 45s.


I brought my S&W 629 (.44mag, 4" barrel), H&K Tactical .45, and Colt Combat Commander. My friend who I went shooting with brought his Beretta P92.

I used to have a couple of kimbers, but I gave one to my father in law, and then my other one was stolen from my car in alaska.


yah, my gun obsession was a decade ago. I found out today I still remember how to shoot. Or at least my hands do. I helped my friend improve from "on the man sized target" to "pie plate sized group" in 30 minutes of shooting (at 10 yards)

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