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And now what did you do TODAY?


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Ken, glad to hear the procedure went well!

Thanks for the congratulations. It's hard to believe that in less than a month the nest will be empty.

Jeff, looks like a good time at the races. I am going to try to be in Baltimore for the Grand Prix Labor Day weekend. Mike, you created a monster. Watching F1 qualifying as I type this.

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Jim, just think about the nice, off the tap Domaine Dupage (hopefully) coming your way.

Unfortunately no. If it did not happen last night, it's not going to happen. Going to a Fire game tonight. Maybe they have it on draft.

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Spent most of the day cleaning and getting ready for our daughter's 1st birthday party tomorrow. Now getting really annoyed with my PS3 for the fact that it cannot randomizing photos while playing a slideshow, and somewhere along the line, they took away the ability to play music while having the photo slideshow.

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Took my son out to practice golf for a couple of hours, then decided to buy him new golf clubs because he's outgrown his youth set and needs a "teen" sized set. Fortunately he'd saved enough money to pay for it - between hoarding unspent lunch money, lawn cutting money, and the $50 he made for 5 A's on his report card. He was glad that he got to try them out first at Sports Authority before buying them. Meanwhile I'm still stuck using his mother's clubs, because I can hardly swing a club anymore (chronic tendonitis) and gave my clubs away to my best friend 10 years ago. All in all we had a lot of fun, and I got to take a few swings as well.

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Very cool picture. This wouldn't happen to be the Rolex series at Lime Rock Park, would it? I would have been there were it not for a concert I was going to yesterday.

Yeah it is. A lot more pictures in the HC Photo Thread.

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Had a very successful 1st birthday party for Libby. Both my wife and I were bit stressed out about it the past couple of days, but everything went well and everyone appeared to have a good time. Now we need to find places to put all the new toys/books that she received.

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I realized that I forgot to update this thread last week, I blame sleep deprivation. Andrew was discharged on schedule last Thursday morning and has been keeping mom and dad on their toes for the last 4 days. So far he's a champion sleeper during the day but not so great at night. Lily seems to be adjusting pretty well to the new presence in the house and is very cute with him. I'll get off my ass some time in the next few days and post a picture or two.

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