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What are you listening to Part the Third


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Haven't quite "gotten" Meshuggah yet. I have Catch 33 and their newer live album but neither have appealed to me so far. Should I be checking out any of their other material? I want to like them, I really do.

Definitely check out Destroy Erase Improve.

I haven't heard the Catch 33 or live ones. I haven't listened to Chaosphere in a long time, but I remember thinking at the time that DEI had more groove to it, and better vocals.

I really can't stress how awesome it is to have groove like that, despite the rigid time signatures and tempo shifts and whatnot. Its kind of like taking the groove of say Guns N Roses, and mixing it with the rigidness of Fear Factory.

It shouldn't be possible but they did it. The vocals...its just so 'elastic'. Its so unique.

DEI is probably my desert island metal disc, in fact.

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