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Anyone ever actually try peeing into a female's mouth? Thoughts?

Not sure if you're kidding, or inviting serious replies, but I'll put in my two cents.

As a gay man, that came out pre-aids, I've seen just about everything one could imagine, of a sexual nature. I personally have failed to understand what bodily waste and sex have in common, even though I've witnessed the act many times at various sex clubs. And my attitude to this day is...far be it for me to tell anyone what two consenting adults should and should not do. That being said, there is a real danger in jumping down that particular rabbit hole. Beside the obvious physical dangers (hepatitis, etc..), there is an emotional cost as well. I've known many regular guys who got sucked into that void, never to return.

I'm a firm believer that not every sexual fantasy needs to be fulfilled. It's also my personal opinion that sex and degradation are a dangerous combination.

Now I'm no choirboy. I've had group sex, anonymous sex, voyeuristic sex, interracial sex, etc... And I've had literally hundreds of sexual partners. But in all my sexual experimentation, I honestly have to say that the best sex was always of a romantic, passionate and mutual respectful nature. Try to remember that porn is porn, and not real life. Just my opinion.

Edited by swt61
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Well said Steve. I too have never gotten the point of sex involving pissing and/or shitting on someone else (or receiving it). Nor have I ever understood what can be erotic about degrading/demeaning someone or on the flipside, being degraded during sex.

Don't get me wrong, I can appreciate some rough and aggressive sex but I always try to be respectful to the lady regardless and I expect the same respect back.

My 2 cents only....perhaps I'm just a prude.

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Not sure if you're kidding, or inviting serious replies, but I'll put in my two cents.

As a gay man, that came out pre-aids, I've seen just about everything one could imagine, of a sexual nature. I personally have failed to understand what bodily waste and sex have in common, even though I've witnessed the act many times at various sex clubs. And my attitude to this day is...far be it for me to tell anyone what two consenting adults should and should not do. That being said, there is a real danger in jumping down that particular rabbit hole. Beside the obvious physical dangers (hepatitis, etc..), there is an emotional cost as well. I've known many regular guys who got sucked into that void, never to return.

I'm a firm believer that not every sexual fantasy needs to be fulfilled. It's also my personal opinion that sex and degradation are a dangerous combination.

Now I'm no choirboy. I've had group sex, anonymous sex, voyeuristic sex, interracial sex, etc... And I've had literally hundreds of sexual partners. But in all my sexual experimentation, I honestly have to say that the best sex was always of a romantic, passionate and mutual respectful nature. Try to remember that porn is porn, and not real life. Just my opinion.

Yeah it was a joke, I've never been one to really care about "political correctness" or whatever people call it these days, so I cross the line a lot of times with my humor.

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