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And finally...Have you ever wondered how a woman's brain works? Well....it's finally explained here in one, easy-to-understand illustration:


Every one of those little blue balls is a thought about something

That needs to be done, a decision or a problem that needs to be solved.

A man has only 2 balls and they take up all his thoughts.

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I wonder if that's actually a good idea -- I mean, from a green perspective, the best insulation is "air", so most insulations (fiberglass, double-paned windows, etc.) are all "tricks" to trap air. Bottles are already trapping air, so it's just a matter of arranging them in a pattern where they reinforce each others' weak spots (e.g., pattern them alternating up and down, with the neck of one between two bodies of another, then create a second layer to reinforce the weak spot, which would basically be doing the same thing at a second layer).

(wanders off to think about it further)

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