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Colorado holds up well here, thankfully, but the wording of "the worst at" is confusing to me. For instance, Colorado seemingly does the most cocaine, though Colorado residents may also simply be the worst at doing Cocaine. One would think the practice would improve our abilities, but there also might be an inverse relationship when practicing narcotics.

Delaware, on the other hand, is apparently the worst at abortion. I'm kind of stumped on that one. Does it mean the most abortions per capita (likely), the most botched abortions per capita (less likely), or what?

Even stranger, Iowa is worst at "Oldest State". Since it's not one of the 13 colonies, it's fair to assume that they meant "State whose residents have the highest mean age". Is being old inherently bad? Couldn't Iowa conversely be the best state at "remaining alive"? Since staying alive (and perpetuating our genetic code) is pretty much what we're all hardwired to do, it seems to me that Utah and Iowa kind of have this thing in the bag.


I hit up the link for explanations and sources. Turns out it's far, far flimsier than I thought.

Edited by Sherwood
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