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What are you drinking now, pt 2.


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Schneider Aventinus

Whoever said to try this was right, very yummy.

Twas me.

I had many a good beer today. Besides what else I mentioned, I had a Trappistes Rochefort 10, Rogue X2 Imperial Younger's Special Bitter Ale, and Great Divide Old Ruffian barley wine.

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Last night

Ithica 13 (wheat wine with lots a hops and spice)

Mikkeller Koppi (weird but nice, imagine an IPA with a quarter cup of very nice coffee combined)

Then Tröegs Flying Mouflan, very nice

and finished with a DFH Squall

This morning a nice cup of Xin Gong Yi a new white tea from Redblossom.com

Al, looks like a great trip with a bunch of great drink opportunities.

Edited by jp11801
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Nice lineup JP! I have a bottle if Koppi that I mean to drink soon.

Nice looking manhattan Shelly. I wish the bodega here had some real bourbon or rye instead of Jack. Oh well, a Ramazzotti Negroni is in my immediate future. ;)

We had lunch at the Hamburger Bahnhof modern art museum cafe, and I had a nice Paulaner Hefe Dunkel weissbier.



Note the Cthulhu Pickle ruling the charcuterie platter!

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The Ramazzotti Negroni, or Ramazzeroni for short, is quite tasty. Sweeter than a Campari version and with less bite, but nicely layered flavors work well together. Better gin would be nice too.


Hey Jim and JP! Berlin would make a most excellent spot for a Travel Team meet up. Just sayin'.

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Hey Jim and JP! Berlin would make a most excellent spot for a Travel Team meet up. Just sayin'.

Indeed. Have you managed to keep claire away from KaDeWe ?

Gone for a stroll down Ku'Damm

Or checked out The Wall - Both of them :)

Pop Quiz : How many albums/tracks can you name with a Berlin Theme? U2 + David Bowie spring to mind. Enjoy! Could make the basis for a playlist / drinking game.

If you can't get spotify in Germany, there is Simfy

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Looks like a great time Al, other than the cocktails of course. :)

I'm jealous after getting reports from my daughter who is at the Dave Matthews Caravan fest in Atlantic City. She just sent pics from Warren Haynes set with his new band. I need to get to a music fest this summer.

Next up for me is to grill a burger for lunch and figure out what beer to start with today.

Also, rocked the Neko DAC for a bit this morning. Good stuff.

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