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What are you drinking now, pt 2.


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Jim, I haven't tried that many but I do not love the Bols like I love Ransom for Old Tom style. I have had and liked Anchor's Genevieve but I'm not sure it is a traditional genever. I'm curious what you get and how you like it because I would like to get another option.

Very cool Mike! But don't get too cool when you drinking outside later!

Dinny, I think your problem last night was combining those two. That would not make a tasty cocktail!

Edited by Voltron
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Entre Nous Sauvignon Blanc toasting the sunset. Opening a wax sealed wine bottle without causing an emergency room visit is a skill set that I am gradually acquiring. It's a good thing I haven't taken it upon my self to sharpen my Languiole.

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Pink Gin


Definitely better with Plymouth.

As for the Genever, I am going to look for the Boomsma Oude and the Genevieve and do a comparison.

Smoked Porter is my fav so far. Tastes like smoked ham and beer.

Now who can argue with that!

Edited by morphsci
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Survived Cabin Fever. Smoked Porter, RyePA, Coffee Stout and Oatmeal Stout were my favorites. I managed to stay fairly non-drunk. Debbie, on the other hand...

And if you're in St. Louis, visit Schlafly's Bottle Works. Big bar, big souvenir shop, big flavor.

And people wonder why we love you. pfffft, self evident. I rest my case. :)

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