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What are you drinking now, pt 2.


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Air Mail is the best champaign cocktail I've had so far. Very tasty!

Milk Punch is surprisingly good, I liked it a lot.

Same here... and Death in the Afternoon is the worst (I'm sure there are many that could outdo it though). :)

Cannot disagree with anything above. Quite disappointed with Hemingway.

Anvil in the evening.

Coffee Cocktail using the 1949 Esquire Handbook for Hosts* recipe:

1 pony of brandy (1 oz Pellehaut Armagnac)

2 ponies of port (2 oz Graham's 1992 vintage)

1 egg yolk

1/4 tsp sugar

Shake with ice and strain into claret glass.


Not bad, especially given Jim's poor reaction to it. Claire quite enjoyed it.

Milk Punch from Jerry Thomas's recipe by way of Wondrich in Imbibe!

2 tsp sugar

2 tsp water

2 oz brandy (Pellehaut Armagnac)

1 oz rum (Zacapa)

Tumbler 1/3 full of shaved ice

Dissolve the sugar in the water, add the spirits and then "fill with milk" (which I took to mean about the same amount of milk as the rest) and shake with ice. Strain into tumbler with ice and top with nutmeg.


If you add an egg, you get egg milk punch, aka egg nogg, and this really tastes like it. I like.

*Another gift from my sister whose vintage shop hopping in Minneapolis is really paying off!


I think you had a better port for the coffee cocktail than I used Al. Yours certainly does look better. That milk punch is a nice cocktail.

Whisky Skin the master Jerry Thomas c/o the

2 oz Lagavulin 16

1 tsp Demerara sugar

1 peel of lemon rind

hot water

I followed Jim's basic steps in the first post of this useful thread, pt. 2. Thomas suggested either Glenlivet or an Islay so I went the peatier, brinier and smokier way. I also doubled the thin lemon peels with no pith that Wondrich specifies.


Not bad at all, but I am not sure I will skin another anytime soon unless I find myself snowed in somewhere with the ingredients at hand. ...

Nice skin Al. That image is great.

Back to "Forgotten"

The Brooklyn Cocktail

2 oz rye (1.5 oz Handy, 0.5 oz water)

0.75 oz dry vermouth (0.5 oz + 1 tsp Dolin)

2 tsp DIY Amer Picon

2 tsp maraschino liqueur

Stir and strain. Add cherry


Fuuuuuuu this one is amazing!

That looks really good Marc. I think that will be my cocktail for tomorrow. How did your Amer turn out?

The Liberal

(proportions are my own)

1 oz Handy

1 oz Carpano Antica

1/2 tsp Amer Picon

1/8 tsp orange bitters

Stir and garnish with a cherry


Took a bit, but these are nice ratios..

Looks like I know what my second cocktail will be tomorrow.


I wanted to make a cocktail tonight but my hubby used all the ice from my mini ice tray for his birch beer! Grrrrrrr (quoting Brent).

Well since you did not kill him you can be canonized. You didn't kill him, right?

Kudos to Marc for bringing the Arnaud's special to my attention. I really like it. Actually made another last night because the first one was so good.

Tonight just keeping it simple with a freeform, most excellent, Blood Mar.

Started with a Collins glass rimmed with a lime and celery salt. Squeezed a wedge of lime in the glass. Added a dollop of peppercorn infused Russian Standard Vodka. A smidgeon of organic Worcestershire sauce, a wee bit of garlic, a couple of dashes of Cholula hot sauce, a couple of dashes of green Jalape

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Uhhh, this is HC right?

Yeah, we're moar hard core!

Anvil Fail

I'm personally so hard core that I took nice pictures of the Ramos Fizz I made tonight and then deleted them without posting one! I uploaded them onto a laptop because my son was on the iMac (where they belong), but because the laptop hard drive is maxing out and the iMac was now free I not only deleted them from that iPhoto but also emptied the trash. I only remembered that I had clicked "Delete Photos" at the end of the prior upload when I saw that there weren't any pictures on the card. A fizz is meant to be drunk quickly, and I had obliged wholeheartedly so it was too late for any re-do. I'm still claiming credit for this one because I am down to 4 drinks on the Anvil List and I want to be done. :palm:

I'm making an Arnaud's Special right now damnit!

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So, I made the Arnaud's with Edradour, Dubonnet Rouge, and Fees Orange Bitters and it seemed like it was tasty but I drank it so fast it is hard to say. I then decided that I needed a comfort drink so I made a Manhattan with Willett's awesome 2yo cask strength rye, which I found the other day for $35 and need more than the two bottles I bought, Dolin Rouge and Fees Cherry Bitters. I skipped the fruit garnish with both of these drinks because I wasn't in the mood.

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Made something in between an Old Pal and a Manhattan (probably has a name) although much closer to a Manhattan:

1.5 oz Sazerac rye

0.5 oz Carpano Antica sweet vermouth

0.25 oz Campari

1 dash Cherry bitters

It is quite excellent!

Didn't have time to take pictures though... too much work tonight.

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