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What are you drinking now, pt 2.


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Al: That looks good - I need to get some Aperol.

Marc: Also looks good.

I wish I had ice cubes. I tried putting the mini ice tray that came with the mini fridge in the "freezer" today. We'll see if it makes ice or slushy water.

For now, I am finishing off a bottle of Courvoisier VSOP to make moar room for moar stuff.

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NICE! What was your favorite?

My favorite new drink is still the aviation. I believe I like it better than a gin martini. The biggest surprise to me though was the tropical drinks. They were extremely tasty and well balanced when not made with premixed-high-fructose-drek. I was also surprised at how good some of the lighter drinks were. Like the very nice Aperol spritz that Al mixed up. Thanks again for the Sophia recommendation Al, it works really well in that spritz.

Good to see you in the Anvil list mixers group Marc. That looks like a nice louche.

I decided to sample a few drinks that came up earlier that looked interesting. Started with the Arnaud's Special Cocktail that Marc mixed up a while ago.

2oz scotch

1oz Dubonnet Rouge

3 dashes orange bitters

Orange zest, for garnish

Stir in an iced mixing glass, and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with the orange twist.


I think a bit less Dubonnet with the Glenlivet, but definitely has good bones.

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Anvil #2: Air Mail

1.5 oz aged rum

0.75 oz fresh lime juice

1 oz honey syrup (0.5 oz honey to 0.5 oz water, heated)

1 oz Cava

Mix first three ingredients an shake over ice. Heating up the honey helps it mix. Strain and top with Cava. Add dash of Angostura and draw a mint leaf around on top to garnish.


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Anvil in the evening.

Coffee Cocktail using the 1949 Esquire Handbook for Hosts* recipe:

1 pony of brandy (1 oz Pellehaut Armagnac)

2 ponies of port (2 oz Graham's 1992 vintage)

1 egg yolk

1/4 tsp sugar

Shake with ice and strain into claret glass.


Not bad, especially given Jim's poor reaction to it. Claire quite enjoyed it.

Milk Punch from Jerry Thomas's recipe by way of Wondrich in Imbibe!

2 tsp sugar

2 tsp water

2 oz brandy (Pellehaut Armagnac)

1 oz rum (Zacapa)

Tumbler 1/3 full of shaved ice

Dissolve the sugar in the water, add the spirits and then "fill with milk" (which I took to mean about the same amount of milk as the rest) and shake with ice. Strain into tumbler with ice and top with nutmeg.


If you add an egg, you get egg milk punch, aka egg nogg, and this really tastes like it. I like.

*Another gift from my sister whose vintage shop hopping in Minneapolis is really paying off!


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Whisky Skin the master Jerry Thomas c/o the

2 oz Lagavulin 16

1 tsp Demerara sugar

1 peel of lemon rind

hot water

I followed Jim's basic steps in the first post of this useful thread, pt. 2. Thomas suggested either Glenlivet or an Islay so I went the peatier, brinier and smokier way. I also doubled the thin lemon peels with no pith that Wondrich specifies.


Not bad at all, but I am not sure I will skin another anytime soon unless I find myself snowed in somewhere with the ingredients at hand.

Jim, your image and execution of the Arnaud's Special Cocktail are both outstanding.

Good reminder about the Air Mail, Marc, I recall enjoying that one very much indeed.

How long does it take to get a refrigerator in Texas?! I cannot believe you are still waiting, Shelly. Sucks.

Edited by Voltron
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I have a feeling no one really cares, but here goes:

Here's my status on "Forgotten"


The drinks that require Amer Picon or Orgeat I'll try with my homemade ingredients, also the "priority" 1 and 2 (see column F).

That leaves the Priority 3-5. I wanted to see if there are any ingredients on those that you'd feel are must haves. In case you don't open the list, they are:

Cherry Herring

Junipero Genever


Ransom Old Tom Gin


creme de cacao

dark creme de cacao

Fernet Branca

parfait amor

Plymouth Sloe Gin

blue curacao

Gilka K

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