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Hello all, for a long time I've been looking into speakers for the living room.

The living room(it's a living room/dining room) is 14'x27'x8'(WxLxH), the sofa is placed 12ft from the wall.

I've been looking at getting these; Magnepan MMG For Sale | AudiogoN

I don't have any amplifiers so recommendations for one would be nice. I have been thinking about the Emotiva XPA-2.

I'd be happy to hear any other recommendations, the budget for the speakers is of ~$1000, although I can stretch it a little bit but I would prefer not to so I can get the other components.


Is the amp powerful enough?


According the people at magnepan user group they work really well. Some people go as far as XPA-1s but the weight is what prevented me from buying them, it'd be over $400 to bring them here :S

I was wondering if I should get the XDA-1 and possibly the ERC-1 cd-player to go with this set? The XDA-1 has preamp and digital inputs it should work well with the xpa-2. Anyone have any opinions, are there better options within the same price range?


For this speaker system I had none, but I just got the XDA-1 so I guess this would be my source. I went with this one because of the price, I can always save up and get something better in the future. I just needed something to use with the speakers.

Still need to find a cd-player, any ideas for one? Something less than $500 would be nice, this is why I asked about the ERC-1.

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