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Geneapalozza: A Celebration Of All Things Gene

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The dinner crowd left for burgers but Jim, JP and I stayed behind to keep the tubes warmed up and listen a little. OK, mostly we are drinking and still feeling full from the incredible amount of Cuban food we had for lunch. I have been listening to the LCD2 with Shelly's GS-1 and Gene's Schitt Valhalla. It worked on the latter but not the former for me. Also tried the HD800 on the Schitt and Ari's little taro coupled amp with less than 1 gain. It wasn't bad on the Schitt but seemed to lack some body. The Ari amp can power them to a low volume pretty well but with the volume at max.

Well that is very interesting, especially since the Valhalla has a very accessible price. Looks like you guys had a great time!


Sure sounds like everyone is having a blast.

Differing opinions on the LCD2-GS1 combo. I'm with Vicki (over for instance the LCD2-Extreme Plat and any tube combo I tried), but would be great to hear the Valhalla someday.

I think Craig slightly preferred the HD800-BA and LCD2-Hybrid/Zana, but I could have gotten the BA and Zana reversed.


At the airport and sad to be leaving.

I tried Shelly's LCD2 with the Pico and GS-1 again and thought the combo was pretty good. Quieter room, different music (more mids/vocals) and a newer Macbook Pro ;) but I really did think it sounded better.


Ari and I are sitting at the airport about to head back to lovely New Jersey. And as I was typing Shelly walked up.

Great time, thanks for sitting this up Gene and thanks everyone else for the great time.


Sounds like you all had a fantastic time with just the right mix of fun, music, food and booze. Have a safe and uneventful trip back, wish I could have been there.

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