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Holy Crap! The New Stax Omega Looks fierce! (Stax SR-009)

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I do think Stax did a lot of good with the SR-009 even though the voicing is not to my liking. After two days they fit me like a glove and the earpads are the nicest ones I've seen on any headphone. I want a set for my SR-007 even though I'm scared to find out what they cost...

Now what I'd really like is to see how SR-007 drivers would sound in this frame. Hell, just the 1.35um diaphragm would be a good place to start..

While we are on the issue of metal, what about metal played with classical instruments? Apocalyptica sounds stunning on the SR-009... :)

I am a hopeless Jazz head. I do listen to other stuff, but the awesome talent and the (usually) brilliantly recorded nature of Jazz make it a feast for Stax. As for understanding it, lots of exposure can help. What was once avant-garde chaos now seems as accessible as Mary Had A Little Lamb.

I plugged my SZ3s into the WES and I hated it too. Bland it wasn't in this case. It was tubey as hell and lush to the point of bad taste. It sounded like a clown version of hifi.

I think it is mostly lack of exposure which is the issue for me.

As for the WES, it is such a shame that the amp is so fubar. It is also still a health risk since they are stupid enough to use the male umbilical connectors on the PSU's. Giving people a direct access to the main reservoir capacitors would never be considered a good idea... dry.png


I have only had a couple of hours of listening time with the 009, but I can see (hear) why people would make the bright/fatiguing/etc. arguments especially in comparison to the 007. It is clear and detailed and definitely voiced much more like the SR-Omega, so the possibility is there. That is good for me because the Omega is more to my liking and the 007 too muted and subdued. In my system and with what I have heard so far, I did not find any of the 009's traits to be negatives. To be fair, though, I have neither analyzed it deeply or for enough time, nor have I challenged its bass or tested whether stuff I don't listen to would sound bad. I definitely look forward to trying them in tandem with the other top Stax, and wish that my BHse had two Stax jacks. One of these days I will have my T2, and that will help. All in all, listening to the 009s have made me more interested in spending some time with headphones than I have been in a long while.


Good points Al, I tend to agree. I could see how these would be too bright for more aggressive music and loud volumes. In fact, this could also be said about the HE90, SR-Omega, R10, and HD800.

All 7 remaining pairs from the group buy are being shipped to me today cheerleader.gif


Please, everone left in the group buy PM your shipping address once agin to confirm or let me know if you want to pick them up (besides nerdling, i know he will pick his up). I have been shipping FedEx so far but am open to UPS or USPS. FedEx is easy. Package is 7 lbs. and 14x14x14, so you can research the different costs. I have been insuring for the full amount, which makes it costly, but safer I guess. Tell me how you want them shipped, insured, and how fast via PM.

Hope all is ok with you Doug.


I have only had a couple of hours of listening time with the 009, but I can see (hear) why people would make the bright/fatiguing/etc. arguments especially in comparison to the 007. It is clear and detailed and definitely voiced much more like the SR-Omega, so the possibility is there. That is good for me because the Omega is more to my liking and the 007 too muted and subdued. In my system and with what I have heard so far, I did not find any of the 009's traits to be negatives. To be fair, though, I have neither analyzed it deeply or for enough time, nor have I challenged its bass or tested whether stuff I don't listen to would sound bad. I definitely look forward to trying them in tandem with the other top Stax, and wish that my BHse had two Stax jacks. One of these days I will have my T2, and that will help. All in all, listening to the 009s have made me more interested in spending some time with headphones than I have been in a long while.

I should add to this that I actively look for faults in anything new I have. I play tracks that I know will upset some transducers and with amps I actively look for issues. Force of habit after going through about 500 headphones and who knows how many amps... :)

Now the SR-009 gets to sit around unused and look pretty since I got the SR-X Mk3 Pro yesterday. Somebody should send a set of these to Grado to show them how good an on-ear set can really be... grin.gif

Posted (edited)

ED told me today they will get 5-7 more pairs tomorrow (we need 7 more to finish the group buy), so yours should be coming to you in a few weeks Mr. Mcmanus.

Edit... deleted my original post which was made before reading that all 7 units are being shipped to you. PM sent with shipping address, etc.

Edited by Wmcmanus
Now the SR-009 gets to sit around unused and look pretty since I got the SR-X Mk3 Pro yesterday. Somebody should send a set of these to Grado to show them how good an on-ear set can really be... grin.gif

Heh that's exactly my take on them - the ultimate Grado. Uber forward but with the right tonal balance and some killer mids. I just wish they were more comfortable - or maybe less comfortable just to make the fit even more comical. Some long-winded impressions coming at some point in the Stax thread.


Yeah, it will be fun to give these to my Grado fanboy friend for a listen. The comfort is an issue but I've been thinking about sliding two foam pieces into the headband to try and minimize the pain....


Sounds like the srx mk3 is a nice stat option for a gradohead. Though I do find the hp1000 share a similar organic tonality with the sr007 without sounding as "muted" as others have called it, and the hp1000 is definitely more forward.


The HP2 is indeed one of the few Grado's I can stand but the price and fragile nature of the drivers scares me. There is a set 5 minutes away from me that I can borrow at anytime so that is good enough for me. :)

It is a real shame that the SR-X Mk3 Pro's are so rare since they largely deliver on the greatness the normal bias model hinted at. Besides the SR-2 then I guess this is the rares of all Stax headphones as they almost never show up on the used market. SR-X Mk1's are also silly rare, I first now have a set after all these years.


Damn, all this stax love has started the cogs turning again. I resisted buying JP's SRX mkIII's as I knew it would be the start of the spiral but now I keep wondering about the SRX and the 4070 ( I do prefer closed headphones - ie I get to use them more than open ) , AND I just know that will lead to wanting the Omega's or 009's = must resist ........



Sorry I've not been following allong here. I'm in the process of setting everything up for measurements and a review of the 009s. I should be finished by Wednesday and can send the cans to Justin, if he wants.

Post should be up this week!

Tyll, there's no need for that (at least, not of which I am aware). I passed my spot in line to Justin. You'll get my 009's when Andy gets the next batch of cans. This works out best for everyone as there's no need to rush anything that way. The only favor I would ask of you is to state the serial number of the 007 I sent to you and post it here so that Spritzer can evaluate on what version it is. Thanks dude!


Tyll, there's no need for that (at least, not of which I am aware). I passed my spot in line to Justin. You'll get my 009's when Andy gets the next batch of cans. This works out best for everyone as there's no need to rush anything that way. The only favor I would ask of you is to state the serial number of the 007 I sent to you and post it here so that Spritzer can evaluate on what version it is. Thanks dude!

Well, I've got a pair of 009s here. It was sent from TMoney. Are there some different versions of these. (I'm such a Stax n00B!)

The serial number of your 007 is SZ1-1023.


Thanks Tyll!

As for the 009s, there should be two versions out there now, I guess. The first that came out, and then the ones with the "fixed issues". I forget why but Stax worked on something that delayed production and then began to crank them out again. Obviously, the pair you'll be getting from me later on is from the last batch.

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