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Perhaps you should have lurked more before posting. And try to get off your high horse next time you think about making a thinly veiled thread about how you have superior hearing to your friend. To answer your question, hand him whatever pair of headphones you think is good. If he hears a difference and likes it, cool. If not, still cool and stop bugging him about it.

Perhaps you should be a little more accommodating to new members, rather than lash out. I never said I was 'bugging' my friend, as you think I was. I merely asked him to listen, and only one time. I've lurked here for a long time (over a year)

I wanted to break the ice by creating a thread, and it seems to have gotten alot of attention. If I never created this thread, would we all be having so much fun now? I think not.

Anywhoo, I'm really enjoying my new D2000's, more than I thought I would after reading around here alot. I know most of you guys don't hold them in very high regard, but compared to my ad700's and 595's, they're quite a treat.

Am I allowed to defend myself? I don't want another vacation?

I've lurked here for a long time (over a year)

I wanted to break the ice by creating a thread...

Did you really lurk, or did you sign up a year ago, and wait until now to start posting? 'cause there's a difference. If you had actually lurked, you would have noticed that we've had bad luck with threads that seem to be started for the sole purpose of "breaking the ice" as it were (trolls, douchebags, asshats, and retards, for the most part), and you would have known what sort of response to expect ahead of time.

Your best bet is to go back into lurk mode. Don't know if you're an asshat or not, but if you're not, really, take my advice, read more, post less.

Did you really lurk, or did you sign up a year ago, and wait until now to start posting? 'cause there's a difference. If you had actually lurked, you would have noticed that we've had bad luck with threads that seem to be started for the sole purpose of "breaking the ice" as it were (trolls, douchebags, asshats, and retards, for the most part), and you would have known what sort of response to expect ahead of time.

Your best bet is to go back into lurk mode. Don't know if you're an asshat or not, but if you're not, really, take my advice, read more, post less.

I've registered recently, but lurked long before creating an account. I do see the amount of spam / troll threads, and I want you guys to know I'm not an asshat. Give me a chance to be a contributing member before you all throw me under the bus.

...Give me a chance to be a contributing member before you all throw me under the bus.

Still not listening, are you? Don't tell us what to do. Just read some threads and post innocuously after getting a much better sense of the place than you now possess. Or just go somewhere else where you can post whatever drivel you like without notice or concern.


You seem... socially awkward, so let me explain to you what you're doing wrong.

If you want to make friends with a preexisting group of friends, you don't:

- go in, act like a jackass

- start insulting people

- then try to tell them you want to be their friend and that you're not a jackass

I for one have seen nothing positive from you since you've started posting.

You seem... socially awkward, so let me explain to you what you're doing wrong.

If you want to make friends with a preexisting group of friends, you don't:

- go in, act like a jackass

- start insulting people

- then try to tell them you want to be their friend and that you're not a jackass

I for one have seen nothing positive from you since you've started posting.

You guys are ruthless, I understand that. Given that, can I get an example of how a new user to these forums is to post? Should I shut up until I can afford a 5,000 dollar amp, and multitudes of headphones, so I can know how everything sounds? Or, should I lurk around, and stab in a post here and there until I can get upto 800 (after 2 years) and start laying into new people like myself? Sorry for trying to start a conversation. And, yes I'm fully aware of the differences between head fi and here, as to why I even lurked and eventually even registered.

I like to expand my knowledge and read multiple people's opinions, but it seems you guys are angry wolves ready to chomp on a rabbit with a broken leg.

...can I get an example of how a new user to these forums is to post?...
See, that's the problem right there. You (and other newbs), expect the answers to be handed to you, rather than trying to learn them on your own. It's your responsibility to figure that out, not ours to explain it to you.
See, that's the problem right there. You (and other newbs), expect the answers to be handed to you, rather than trying to learn them on your own. It's your responsibility to figure that out, not ours to explain it to you.

Thing is, I'm looking for specific opinions here. Every single thing I've ever purchased, I've done extensive research on or I would not have bought it. I don't want any hand-outs so to speak. If I didn't value the opinions of people here, I would not have registered. I think there is some serious audiophiles here, with vast knowledge. With me being "somewhat" new to this field, input is welcome as google and the search function only goes so far.


Well, couldn't tell from your original post in this thread. Didn't seem very specific. If I could fairly generate the top 20 questions asked by a newb or a troll (the latter being only a small variation on the former), yours would fit right in.

Every single thing I've ever purchased, I've done extensive research [...] google and the search function only goes so far.

I think you might not have reached the end of Google and the search function yet if your incredible searching skills have lead you to buy the Denon D2000.

Your best bet is to go back into lurk mode. Don't know if you're an asshat or not, but if you're not, really, take my advice, read more, post less.

Sound advice. Ignore it at your own peril.


Newbies posting here for opinions on headphones is somewhat like a stranger walking up to a close group of friends at a sports game to ask opinions about athletic gear.

This is properly explained in the welcome PM I believe.


What truly classifies a noob? Less than 3 years experience with hi fi audio? Less than 10k spent on equipment? I'm not disagreeing with what some have posted, just wondering if there is some way to know ones not a noob anymore.


it doesn't matter. Reread your pm. This isn't a public place, it's a private place. We hang out and talk, and sometimes discuss gear. We're not a public information service. If you want people to feed you like a baby, go to head-fi. The information will be bad, but it'll be given to you without effort.


and "newbie" doesn't refer to what you know about audio or your experience with audio. It's about THIS PLACE. You're new. You'll porbably still be new in 10 years. Get over it.

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