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To 4070 or not?


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...except maybe for the bass...
Can you expand on this a little? It's just that ... this is exactly the issue I had with the 4070. There was just something "off" about the bass. (I don't remember whether or not I had the fit problems, but I do remember them being almost unbearably heavy.)

I actually don't mind "technically pretty good", because the last time that happened, I ended up settling on that one as a favorite source. I (at that time) decided I liked a source that did not impose any of its own "excitement" to the music, and rather just got out of the way and let me hear excitement in music in which there was excitement, and not hear it where there wasn't. Euphony is nice once in a while, but it's addictive, and I can live without it. So you may want to listen to them from that perspective before you give up on them.

Also, what amp?

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Can you expand on this a little?

Maybe. Guess it feels a little weak or unnatural, maybe not as full as I would like. Perhaps there is some recessed midrange that is making me feel this way though.

As far as closed headphones go, I think it is actually pretty good. I don't think it is worth getting over a pair of JH13 though.

Also, what amp?

KGSS for 4070

GS-1 for JH13

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Shelly, that's the same problem I have with the Qualia. Just as you described it, I have to place the headband way back in an awkward position on my head, or hold them from the sides to get even a decent seal.

Bottom line is you'll never be able to fully enjoy them. If you just pop them on and they don't seal, then they'll sounded honky and thin. If you place them on awkwardly or try to hold them with your hands to get a seal, you'll never be able to relax enough to JUST listen to the music and forget about everything else.

So stay away from the 404 and 404-LE as well. Chances are pretty good you'll have the same problems with them.

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Wayne, I have the 404LE and I like them a lot. For some reason, they are much better than the 4070 in term of fit. Perhaps it is because they are so much lighter or because of the leather pads or because they are almost new and the headband is not stretched out at all or because they are open or because they have a plastic assembly which is not as rigid as wood or maybe a combination of all five? But I think you are right that I will never be able to fully enjoy the 4070s because of the fit.

Edited by shellylh
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The 4070 is easy to adjust for better fit, just bend the metal arcs like we do with the SR-007. Not something I'd do with a loaner set but it can be done. With these you absolutely have to have proper fit given its bass reflex nature, more so then any other electrostatic.

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Sorry to hear the 4070s are disappointing Shelly. I'm not sure if it's the amps, musical tastes, trait focus or 4070 versus JH13 fit issues (returned mine four times), but I've found the opposite result. The weirdest thing about this is I'm beginning to think I have the lowest opinion of the JH13s around here, even though I think they're pretty great. Just not K1000/4070/HD800/and above great. And of course they're the most practical and may end up being my only closed cans.

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I'm under the firm opinion that IEMs are and will be the best closed can. Take it for what you will.

Can't really 'argue' with that, as such, and I do understand where you're coming from. I'm sure it's based on a lot of experience, etc., etc...

The only thing I'd pick on is the 'firm opinion' bit. In my opinion, it's best to give each product its own listening time rather than attempting to categorize and therefore conclude before evaluating.

I have some IEMs that suck raw eggs and of course the JH13s which are fantastic; same goes for full sized closed headphones. In a sense, IEMs do get you "closer" to the "truth" in the music simply by eliminating any artifacts that the chamber itself can create (with full sized closed headphones). But that presupposes a level of correctness in the driver/aperture design and the ability to provide appropriate spacial cues that simply doesn't exist, for the most part, in IEMs that are on the market today.

I do agree, however, that IEMs offer that one key advantage in that they eliminate a lot of variables by eliminating air space. Of course, the same can be said of closed headphones relative to speakers; a lot less air space in those small chambers covering your ears than in the room chamber of your living room. But it doesn't necessarily follow that one is inherently better than the other, IMO.

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