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For your walks download a free app call Runkeeper, it's pretty cool.

And you don't even have to hit navigate if you're really lazy. On the home screen just press and hold the search button and the voice recognition system should open up. Speak, "Navigate" followed by the address and it should take care of the rest. Also, here's to hoping the Incredible gets some of the more recent updates to the Android OS (it's one version behind right now, or my wife's is) which should offer some nice improvements to the UI and performance. One more thing, I agree, the iPhone OS is not superior in my experience to Android. It has some better points, but Android has just as many to counter if now more at this stage.

I'm playing with the Nav app now, and man I wish I found this before I bought a TomTom! I'm just gonna give that to my dad since he doesn't have a GPS Nav in his Yukon. I'm with Tyll, I listen to FM radio alot, now more so than the tunes on the iPhone. I wish I could install Android on my old TP2 so my sister could use that instead of WinMo.

Posted (edited)

Having a iPhone 4 and Nexus One, I have to disagree with the UI rankings, but it's a close race, both significantly ahead of the others and probably the only you could live with once you get a taste of the other.

Tyll, you may want to check out WunderRadio and This American Life apps for audio streaming. I can't imagine going back to non-networked DAPs. HifiMan, etc. would just be giving up too much content.

Edited by blessingx
I can't imagine going back to non-networked DAPs. HifiMan, etc. would just be giving up too much content.

NO shit. I've taken to listening to Pandora in the garage as I work. When I play old Jazz I try to identify the playes and then look at the screen to see if I got it right. Kinda like flashcards for Jazz geeks. I also surf the genres of interest and punch the bookmark button when I hear something I might like to buy later. If they're out to get my money, they just might win.

Finding and listening to new music has never been easier, me thinks.


Streaming is an entirely different kettle of fish than listening to my iPod collection of tunes -- I can do both in my car, and I prefer mah iPod. Just saying.

But I have to admit, I don't listen to my Droid all that much, use it for pretty much everything else. Yes, directions. I'm already at the point where I no longer know what I did without it. I think I made a lot of calls telling people I was running late.

Also, for music lovers: Shazam is a must.

Also, random shit: Google Sky is fun.

Movie lovers: IMDB, Moviefone, Flickster, and RunPee.

it's still 2010.

Settings -> General -> Location Services -> Off. couldn't get much simpler, and it's consistent with all the other system settings. my problem with Android isn't necessarily the amount of steps that are needed to do things at each menu (though sometimes it's a hell of a lot), but the settings are inconsistent.

unless you mean something else.

I mean that on my phone there's a simple app sized button that allows me to turn on and off bluetooth, wireless, gps and another setting. One button, not four menus. So it could get a lot simpler, more efficient and more user friendly. But Apple won't allow anyone to do that because they don't think it works well (why, I have no idea). Widgets are wonderful, Apple ignores them, much to their detriment. Another example, the contacts App which allows one-touch speed dialing and texting, there's no equal on iOs and Android is the better for it. Let's continue - when you get a text message on your phone, what happens, annoying pop-up right? You know, those things that they actually developed software for on the web to keep from blowing into the middle of whatever it is that you were trying to do. My phone, the unpolished turd that it is (not) simply displays a quick message in the banner at the top of the screen and then displays a tiny notification icon, none of which impacts whatever it was that I was doing. Further to the point if I then get an email it stacks an email notification icon next to the text. If I miss a call, ditto. When I look at my phone I know exactly what has happened since I last used it. I don't have umpteen fricken pop-ups to wade through just to get back to my phone.

Oh and one more thing, please try to go listen to your favorite podcast that you forgot to sync before you left in the morning. Woops, if it's over some magical size limit you're screwed. Me, I just tell my phone that I couldn't care less that I'm not on wi-fi and download away to my heart's content.

Posted (edited)

Allow me to mini-retort, as well: I do not find myself praying for the next generation software; I do not find it ugly (if you're into curved edges, I can see why you'd prefer the iPhone/iTouch, but I'm not, and I like it black); I want my freakin' keyboard, I got my freakin' keyboard; and finally, having dug behind the scenes on the iPhone, I can tell you they're not that consistent neither. I, personally, did not have any trouble figuring either of them out, but I'm a programmer, so knowing that one program keeps all its files in ~/.mozilla, and another in /usr/share/..., yet another in /var/spool/..., and the windows version keeps stuff in the registry is, quite frankly, an everyday occurence that I have long learned to live with.

EDIT: Also, it's on Verizon. ;)

Thanks for the help from that other thread, Fanboy McFanboyfanboy. (Just doesn't have the same ring to it.)

Edited by Dusty Chalk
i'm about to go, but i've never gotten an annoying popup on my iPhone. you either like the Apple way or you don't, but you are describing a hodge-podge of inconsistency. i dislike that a hell of a lot more than i dislike any one item taking an extra key stroke. so yes, unpolished turd. the podcast issue isn't an iPhone issue, it's an AT&T issue. doesn't happen in other countries, as far as i know.

The size limit is enforced everywhere as best as I can tell. I have confirmation that at least in the UK it is in effect with multiple carriers.

you either like the Apple way or you don't

That's a worthless non-argument. Apple had the lead in doing things well, they no longer do. Your insistent need to hold onto a shitty way of doing things is pretty backwards. It'd be like saying you like BMW cars and therefore everything else is shit because it doesn't have the same dash. The newer Android phones are just as easy as an iOs device to figure out, I should know, I've used both for extended periods of time. Are they exactly the same, of course not.

but you are describing a hodge-podge of inconsistency.

No, I'm not. It's the same on my wife's HTC Droid Incredible.

And Dan, wait, what, so you're saying the easiest way to shut off the GPS is to shut off every function on the phone that uses a radio? What if you want to leave the phone and wifi on? Android is way ahead on lots of things that make the device more user friendly.

BTW, if Apple is so damn smart, how come my iPad Safari bookmarks didn't just transfer to my iPad?

Fucking douchebags, where's my automagic?

That's why you use Delicious. Oh wait, f*%king Yahoo.

Did you set sync in iTunes?

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