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Just got back home. Roads were great and I missed bad weather in both directions.

Other than the sidecar, enjoyed everything that I sampled. Didn't think I was too drunk but sound asleep about 10 minutes after getting back to the motel. The chili was some of the best I've ever had.

Good food, new friends and good times. Perfect :)

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Great time! Great people! Great food! Great drinks! Great music!

Agree , didn't care for Sidecar. First time I liked gin with the Bluecoat. Sazerac 18 is very nice.

Special thanks to Mike and Deb for hosting, and what great hosts! Deb insisted on driving me two blocks to the hotel at 2am, which was greatly appreciated.

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Amazing gathering. That pretty much sums it up.

Sorry for quality, just went with iPhone, didn't feel like bringing camera.


^ Mike's gear setup, in a dedicated room. The PSB's rock with the Mcintosh. LCD2's sounded really fantastic and so well balanced throughout the entire range. I want to go back to speakers. :/ ^


^ Moar gear ^


^ I liked ^


^ Mike did get a little bit of time to run some vinyl for Allison, Kevin (my friend), and myself. Sounded really fucking good. ^


^ PSB closeup ^


^ Lots of good shit in Mike's musique inventory. Allison enjoyed talking to him about some various groups. ^





^ The highlight. ^


^ The best G&T I've ever had. This one had Bluecoat along with one of Deb's Meyer lemons grown in the house. Muy bueno. ^


^ FFF Moloko Milk Stout. ^


^ KG's absurd Cognac. Pretty damn good. ^


^ Bomber damage. ^


^ Mike made me leave with these two. It goes without saying that Mike is an awesome guy. ^


John and Jacob - cigars + 18 yr. Sazerac wasn't too bad after all. :) Great to chill with both of you. Had such a blast.

Al - Very cool to meet you. We must hang again sometime. High-five for bashing engineering while drinking many good things.

KG - thanks for the Cognac. One of those things I'll just never ever get a chance to try otherwise. Hope the vette did alright on the way home.

Mike & Deb - best hosts ever. Looking forward to maybe setting up a get-together with you two and Allison and I after the holidays, if time allows.

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Oh shit yeah I didn't even mention the food... which is ironic because it served as my crutch the entire day to keep me from getting too tipsy. The hummus, porkchop, potatoes, and veggies were all excellent. The chili was fucking phenomenal - I ate two very full bowls and contemplated a 3rd all before supper. Gonna need to get that should-have-won-an-award recipe Mike :).

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