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Just read about this in SoundOnSound magazine -- another entry into the portable USB DAC/amp category. Of interest:

  • extremely small
  • USB-powered
  • very simple (USB port on one end, headphone jack on the other, volume knob)
  • company provides technology to the likes of Benchmark, et al
  • targeted at professionals (and probably "prosumers")
  • "seriously low" jitter figure via reclocking (1 picosecond)
  • $400

It's that second-to-last one that caught my attention (no, Colin, I still haven't read that article you linked for me).


...which is funny, because I'm using the June issue as a bookmark into SoundOnSound (size is perfect). I guess I don't read Stereophile as much as I thought I did.

Um...yeah, if anyone does have the May issue handy, I wouldn't mind if they see if JA verified that jitter figure.

Somebody had one at the Boston meet and I checked it out briefly. I thought it was a nice solution but I like the TTVJ Slim and Pico Amp/Dac combos better.

That was me, Al. I like the unit a good amount for what it is, but haven't heard enough other options to weigh in properly on comparisons.

It is pretty resolving, but erred to slight brightness with my Senn 800's; the phones may also be the culprit, but they didn't have that with the DNA Sonett I had. This slight brightness may go away with time, too; I actually haven't been using mine as much since I'm not yet loaded with computer music of quality. But I tried it with some 24/96 files from HDTracks and NiN and the results were really good.

It also gets quite warm; it seems to have some power to drive phones well; drove my Senn 800 with no problems, plenty loud at lower settings on volume.

I owned the Pico DAC/Amp combo a while back. No direct compaisons, but based on memory (enough said) I recall being impressed with both. I think the DACport may be even more resolving, but I think I remembered liking the amp section of the Pico better overall. Again, different times, so apples and oranges. I do remember being pretty impressed with both of these even out of the box, though.

I got a deal on being an early adopter, would not have recommended it at the initial price unless computer music and headphones were your only way of listening. But worth looking into at the new price, IMO.

Ok so Tyll and I have heard it anyone else??

I guess no one else that MATTERS :D

Seriously, sounds like HPA has given it a longer term listening. I certainly haven't, despite owning the dang thing, so am not best qualified to comment..... CJ'10 should result in some good words one way or another.

I guess no one else that MATTERS :D

Seriously, sounds like HPA has given it a longer term listening. I certainly haven't, despite owning the dang thing, so am not best qualified to comment..... CJ'10 should result in some good words one way or another.

I was just messing wit use guise


I use mine everyday with my IEM or feeding my Audioengine A2 as a pre-amp and love it. I'd be willing to loan it out to a couple of you who can't make it to CanJam to try there. The only problem is that it will not run off the iPad with camera kit.

I use mine everyday with my IEM or feeding my Audioengine A2 as a pre-amp and love it. I'd be willing to loan it out to a couple of you who can't make it to CanJam to try there. The only problem is that it will not run off the iPad with camera kit.

Though it's a dac only and not an amp; if anyone is interested in the offer, I have a gamma2 that I can spare and send along for comparison's sake.

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