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I've been eyeing the stereo board version of the KGSSHV, and debating between building it next, or a KGST. Decisions, decisions. :)


For the lower-voltage versions of the KGSSHV (like the 400V stereo), a couple of things I never quite understood (and would appreciate a link back upthread, since I seem to have missed this info previously):


1. What transformer specs do I need for a 400V version?

2. What parts need to change on the PSU board (I'm looking at kgsshvpsminifinal)?


The Tsar has already spoken but since I just built a 400V KGSSHV using a similar PS (kgsshvpsminifinalstn9360) I can also share my experience. You can also referred to my earlier post #4321 which has the exact value of resistors I used based on availability at Mouser at the time.


The formula to calculate the B+ is ((R29 + R5)/R6 + 1) x 10V (V out of the LT1021 voltage reference) and similar for the B- side of course. I also read that you should configure the pre-regulate Zener string to 50V above your desired voltage, in this case, 450V.  


In my case, I have been getting a very steady +408V/-406V output from my PSU.


Hope this helps.

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The one I use in the KGST has a slight self hum but none of this makes it to the headphones. Similar to the part you linked, it's only drawing a small portion of the available current


For the Antec transformer, I assume you (mwl165) used this one? Any downsides to it — like buzzing? This price is pretty tempting compared to a custom, but I'm a bit leery of noise.


Yes, that's the one I use.


I have not experience any hum nor buzzing and it runs cool. The downside is the size - this thing is HUGE :-)


i'm redoing the kgsshv-carbon board for current parts, i added the cascade current source,

is there anything else people might want?

I have a pair of unstuffed v0.9 Carbon PCBs. Tracing the circuit, it appears the outputs are grounded gate, kind of like a SS Blue Hawaii. Is this correct?

Posted (edited)

Have you guys given up on the pbmf input fet option?  Mouser lists this as EOL


The only other thing I can think of off the top of my head is perhaps a hole/some holes near the output section, to have some options for wiring. Not sure what everyone else's experiences are but snaking wires to terminal blocks over the resistors gets kind of crowded for me (kgsshv offboard). This might be a pain given the size of the board though. Maybe I'll just start using molex connectors

Edited by nopants

Maybe he was referring to the active parts? Are the smd versions of the mps*6 devices also EOL? I don't remember the power handling off the top of my head, but seems like a possible option

Posted (edited)

the version of the carbon board i am working on has


and at the moment mpsa06 and mpsa56

all of these parts are current fairchild production

i have been told that all these parts have at least 5

years more life left.

i have also been offered this really nice bridge in SF

recently painted...

the stn9360 lay down because they need to dissipate a bit more heat

the pzta parts stick up vertically, and are therefore real easy to

solder in.

i have also added the cascode to the carbon.

should be 100% mouser parts except for the lsk170/lsk389 which are easily


with 20ma per leg, should make the current crazies happy.

and 32 watts of heat per channel

getting kerry's servo in there is going to be fun :(

Edited by kevin gilmore

any issues with laying them horizontally? maybe put the pads on the back of the board? Either way I'm glad I don't have to go treasure hunting on ebay


Are you trying to maintain the same board size? This version sounds pretty dense- kgsshv diamond? haha


or maybe it's "this version sounds pretty buff- kgsshv cabron edition"

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