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Harbeth 40.1 or Audio note AN-E LX signature.................

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That is the question. Spent a good deal of time with both this week, and to me, sonicly they are equal, and very close in sound signature. My wife likes the ANs more i dont really care either way. But the fact i can get by with 5-10 watts with the ANs is pretty cool. Down side is i would have to pull new dedicated lines and turn my room around so i can corner load them. Downside with the harbeths is i would probably move to more powerful tube amps. That means money, and heat. Price is pretty equal.

I can get AN demos for $12K plus shipping for them and stands. The harbeths will go around a K more for new speakers w/stands.

Both are butt ugly and old fashion looking, but the ANs are in a really nice Burl finish. Probably go with either the Manley Neo classic 300b amps with the ANs and move up to the Neo classic 250 amps if I get the Harbeths. Everything else in my system will stay the same, for now. The BAT/Manley combo has been really nice so just the amps would change from the Snappers I use now.

I'm going to try and listen to the ANs for a couple more hours before i leave DC, and then a couple more hours with the Harbeths on the way home in N.C.


I also vote for harbeths. One because I have heard the 40.1s Two, I really do not care for speakers that have to be corner loaded to sound good. It restricts placement too much for my OCD.


I vote for the Audio Notes. They can sound very good with low power amps and that's a plus in my book. Having the chance to use SET amps is great. You won't be able to do that using the Harbeths. I love the sound of good SET amps, though I haven't tried the Manleys.

It'd be ideal you were able to try both at your place, maybe in your room they don's sound so alike and you like better one over the other.


If the wife likes the ANs and they give you more amp flexibility and the SQ is pretty equal and you can rearrange to corner load them, I say for for it. WAF is good and your wife seems awfully good to you in regard to audio passions.

If the wife likes the ANs and they give you more amp flexibility and the SQ is pretty equal and you can rearrange to corner load them, I say for for it. WAF is good and your wife seems awfully good to you in regard to audio passions.

This is pretty much the way i am leaning right now. I'll keep the rack where it is and have two more 20amp lines run to the other end of the room. I told the mrs. this moring we will have to spend the cash to get this done, and i cant even imagine 25" AQ Skys to run from the preamp to amps. She says its all do-able. I think she really wants them. Sonic wise they are very, very close. deeper bass from the ANs but more impact from the Harbeths. Both have sweet treble and killer midringe. I think the ANs throw a better soundstage. I always got a feel of very deep soundstage. They sound great with 211, or 300b amps that we used. Just to make sure we are going to listen to harbeths one more time for a couple hours on the way home.


Tom, I'm a fan of moving up in a line that you KNOW you love. The big Harbeths are a surefire bet to make you happy in the long run with a powerful Manley PP amp. I don't think you'd have to worry about overloading the room since you've been using a REL sub (which you could always unhook if necessary) with the smaller Harbeths.

On the other hand, high efficiency speakers are hella cool.

Either way - CONGRATS to you and Lyra!! Look forward to seeing pics of the new setup :)


Audio Notes. All else being about equal, I always go for the more efficient speaker since it really opens up the amp choices. There's so much more interesting stuff to play with in the under 50W field than there is above that power level, and in my experience the simpler lower powered amps sound better than the big 200W tube amps.


Its WIN/WIN for me!! Both these speakers are a big jump up from the Harbeths i'm using now. Both keep the same type sound as what i'm already using so i dont think buyers remorse will ever hit me with either speaker. neither needs the subwoofer, so it can go. I dont really want to switch my room, but its not a big deal. I am shocked at the depth of bass the 2-way (eight inch driver) the ANs produce. Cant wait for another listen the Harbeths tomorrow.


After alot of back and forth we have decided to order the harbeths. In the end i just didnt want to go through the amp merry-go-round and spend the money to switch the room. I think i might get by with the amps i have and will use them for awhile before deciding to move up in power in the Manley line. Hopefully the only change will be the speakers. Thanks for all the advice and your all welcome to come by and hear them when they get here. (6-10 weeks :()

  • 1 month later...

Got an email from the dealer, that the Harbeths should be at his place between the 20-25 of this month. Then 2-3 days shipping to me!! I've had the satands for a week sitting there empty and waiting. I wish i would have gone with the Sound Anchors again, but had an attack of cheap, and bought some foundation stands. They are not worth the money i paid, and wont live here long.

Got an email from the dealer, that the Harbeths should be at his place between the 20-25 of this month. Then 2-3 days shipping to me!! I've had the satands for a week sitting there empty and waiting. I wish i would have gone with the Sound Anchors again, but had an attack of cheap, and bought some foundation stands. They are not worth the money i paid, and wont live here long.

I await my invitation. :cool: I heard the Harbeths at RMAF and was really impressed. Glorious midrange.

  • 2 weeks later...

The M40.1s are here and have about ten minutes on them. Alot bigger than I remembered them being at the dealer. Might end up running them on the long wall. I'll post pics later in the system thread, and impressions too.

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