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Posted (edited)

Get a dynahi/b22 or dynalo/m3 and be done with it :)

I haven't heard a Dynahi, B22 or M3 but I didn't feel the Dynalo Gilmore Lite I had here was the best pairing with the LCD-2's. Granted the at the time I only had a Pico DAC or the DAC in a friends Headroom Desktop Portable but I preferred the Desktop Portable with either DAC.

I've been wanting a leather headband since I bought my pair and think I'd prefer the travel case over the wood case so I'm probably going to buy a Rev. 2 to compare with my Rev. 1's and keep whichever I prefer, if that happens to be the Rev. 1's I'll just swap the headbands and case.

Edited by elnero

My thoughts on the lcd2 mirror warriorants. I think they are a upgrade from the rev1.

And I haven't even changed tubes in the BA from the EML 300B and a Brimar 6SN7 I have been using. The LCD-2 may really shine with the PX4s which have a tighter/cleaner presentation than the 300B. I am also going to build a balanced cable to see if that changes anything.

I think when you switch over to the px4, you will get a faster, more transparent sound. They are more neutral and the amp tends to take its signature more from the driver rather than the output.


My thoughts on the lcd2 mirror warriorants. I think they are a upgrade from the rev1.

That's excellent. I'm looking forward to listening to them. Just wondering if you compared them to any other high-end headphones. Are they now at the level of the HE-6, T1, HD800, SR-507, etc. I didn't find the LCD-2 rev. 1 to be at that level, but I'm wondering about the rev. 2.

That's excellent. I'm looking forward to listening to them. Just wondering if you compared them to any other high-end headphones. Are they now at the level of the HE-6, T1, HD800, SR-507, etc. I didn't find the LCD-2 rev. 1 to be at that level, but I'm wondering about the rev. 2.

At there price point, I think they beat out any dynamic or ortho that cost less than them. How they stack up to cans that are more expensive then them will be more personal preference than anything else. I havent had a lot of exposure to stats, so I am not sure how they stack up against them.

Guest WarriorAnt

Please go to back to your 1000 page thread at head-fi and leave us be.

Pardon me?


WarriorAnt, you reported blubliss? Seriously? What an asshole! Headphone reviews are welcome, but you clearly did not read your welcome pm, so fuck off. Plus, you never answered Larry's question asking if your comments about the two versions were done by memory of one or not. Since you didn't answer, I'm guessing memory, which is b.s. unless done with full-disclosure. Pics of the two headphones side-by-side with a note in the pic apologizing to blubliss, or your review is just made-up, self-important fluffery. You seem to think we should bow down to you for taking three hours to do a review. You've got it backwards. Pics, or you're wasting our time.

Posted (edited)

Uh oh, and here I thought he had been all polite-like. Silly me, the optimist. I actually didn't read his impressions, it was so dang long (pardon the profanity!).

What boomana said.

Edited by jvlgato
Posted (edited)

Slice, anyone?


Everyone's a critic, but for maximum effect the other eye needs to be speared on the tip of the knife.

The way Andy does it, in real life, with the noobs.

Edited by Hopstretch

Andy is ruthless, I fear I still have noob status but a keen hatred for hamsters - I hope to keep the eyes.

Back to topic;

I'm having good success with the LCD-2 rev1 and my balanced Beta22, it's making some mighty fine music. I've read back into the thread and saw Larrys comment about the pairing being a good match, I have to agree. I have rev2's on order, I'll post up some impressions soon.

Posted (edited)

Cross-posting from HF before it gets moderated. ;)

Wow. Did some light posting over at Head-Case. What an incredibly rude and unmannered forum that is. Totally rude and uncalled for behavior towards the members there. I'm glad Jude doesn't allow that kind of disrespectful abuse to the members of Head-Fi. That place is aptly named for sure.

Yeah, regardless of what their "welcome" note may say, good people do not treat each other like they do at headcase. Even if people treated each other that way at a local bar, after the fight was over there wouldn't be many patrons coming back. They must be trying to compensate for something missing in their lives. You should see what they do behind your back! Unparalleled cowardice.

Oh wait, it continues too:

You know what elnero, Rudeness is rudeness. Disrespect for other people is disrespect. Using and directing profane language at someone in a thread is simply vulgar and inappropriate behavior and simply uncalled for. If your justification for that type of behavior is some ridiculous preamble that "newbies" need to read otherwise they justifiably expose themselves to all manners of rude, vulgar and unprofessional behavior then take that Bullschiit somewhere else. That type of weak and ridiculous logic is not only beneath me but a complete and serious waste of my time, not to mention insulting. If you have some real reason to justify the type of behavior that forum exhibits to people then bring it and do so with some serious substantial reasoning other than some ridiculous preamble.

I have never seen anyone in any of these threads here at Head-fi over the years once treat anyone the way people get treated on a post by post basis an Head-Case. I haven't seen that type of behavior at AudioKarma either.

Btw WarriorAnt, since you're probably going to read this: HC isn't HF. Deal with it. Also, it's the Internet. Either don't take things personally or develop thicker skin.

Edited by Asr

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