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Wouldn't expect any less from Team Cavalli Audio, Team Ortho. Personally I'm on Team What Have You Done For Me Lately ;) KG as far as I'm concerned delivers consistently and makes himself available to anyone with questions. And like most people here on HC, doesn't pull punches even when critiquing himself :P


I've been chatting to him via PM. He did try a bunch of expensive "audiophile" power conditioners before going for the industrial one fed by batteries. It's surely more sensible than plugging a stupidly expensive audiophile power cord straight into the mains.

Back on topic, I understand why Smeggy is smitten by the LCD-2s now. The presentation is very absolute-this-is-what-the-music-is without the treble peaks that make such a presentation annoying when a recording isn't so great. Everything just sounds good, even music I don't really want to listen to, especially if it's well recorded. Some music can sound a little muffled, however, such as orchestral works.

Can you tell me if he has ever been so far even as decided to use look go like the O2?

You've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It's just common sense.

courtesy of wikianswers.com


I think he says he tried them once. :palm:

You've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It's just common sense.



You need less than a minute to know the KGSS eats the Exstata for breakfast unless you honestly think that's how your headphones should sound. I've gone further then most to test this too and used the exact same PSU, pot, etc. to test both circuits and it isn't close. Still the Stax mafia approved Exstata isn't far off and that should make things more interesting. I really have to get cracking on that PSU though... :palm:

This is NoNoNoNoNoNo though, we all know he's got some serious mental issues

You need less than a minute to know the KGSS eats the Exstata for breakfast unless you honestly think that's how your headphones should sound. I've gone further then most to test this too and used the exact same PSU, pot, etc. to test both circuits and it isn't close. Still the Stax mafia approved Exstata isn't far off and that should make things more interesting. I really have to get cracking on that PSU though... :palm:

Agreed, I think your modified SRM-Xh sounded better than my Exstata. Waiting on the KGSSHV before I decide what to do with the amp.

Got news that my LCD-2 will be shipping today or tomorrow.


Thanks. That makes me hopeful that I'll hear something soon.

Uhm, I kind of called Audeze and had them change the shipping address on your order to my house. Hope that's OK? :D


coolies shelly, hope they give your ears a nice fondling :)

I've been trying to use the lcd as my tp tuning fork, very nice that they are, so hope it's worth the wait!

You've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It's just common sense.

courtesy of wikianswers.com

You guys are killing me!

Agreed, I think your modified SRM-Xh sounded better than my Exstata. Waiting on the KGSSHV before I decide what to do with the amp.

I vote you as having the best avatar for a newbie here.

I pulled the Zamp out and gave the LCD-2s a run on it. Very nice indeed. I'm willing to bet on a good power amp they'll be very pleasant.

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