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I guess it's a good thing that I don't think the mids are recessed on the R10, L3000, HD800, K1000, HE-5, HD600, HD650, K702, Edition 9, ATH-A900, W5000, W11R, ESW10JPN, RS-1, HF-2, RS-2, MS-1, SR-60, O2 Mk2, HE60, Jade, SR-003, ESP-950, Gamma Pro (stock or woodied), SR-5NB, SR-Lambda, and more.

OK, now how about ranking all these from the most recessed mids to the least?

I'm just kidding, I don't expect anyone to be able to do that. :P

you guys have taught me it's not a good idea to post here

People can be more blunt here than elsewhere and maybe even "excessively direct about what they think" but I think that's mostly a good thing.

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I guess it's a good thing that I don't think the mids are recessed on the R10, L3000, HD800, K1000, HE-5, HD600, HD650, K702, Edition 9, ATH-A900, W5000, W11R, ESW10JPN, RS-1, HF-2, RS-2, MS-1, SR-60, O2 Mk2, HE60, Jade, SR-003, ESP-950, Gamma Pro (stock or woodied), SR-5NB, SR-Lambda, and more.

I do feel there are some recessed mids in the HF-1 (bowls), D2000-7000, Proline 2500, Darth Beyer V3, SR-Lambda pro, and UE11Pro. I think the O2 Mk1 can have recessed mids depending on the amp, and I heard mildly recessed on the GES and BHSE, but they sounded more forward on WES and ZDT/SRD-7 Pro.

I spent 20 minutes changing and deleting and retyping my SRH840/D7000 post, because on one hand you guys have taught me it's not a good idea to post here, and on the other hand I just wanted to be help out. Go figure. I posted similar thoughts a year ago about my comparison.

Wow. Now I am trully impressed. You listened to all those phones, plus the ones with the recessed mids, on the same system during the same period? Trully amazing.

I'm constantly amazed at how so many phones HPA listens to that have "recessed mids". It seems so consistent that my hypothesis is that the listener's receivers have low sensitivity in the mids.

I guess it's a good thing that I don't think the mids are recessed on the R10, L3000, HD800, K1000, HE-5, HD600, HD650, K702, Edition 9, ATH-A900, W5000, W11R, ESW10JPN, RS-1, HF-2, RS-2, MS-1, SR-60, O2 Mk2, HE60, Jade, SR-003, ESP-950, Gamma Pro (stock or woodied), SR-5NB, SR-Lambda, and more.

I do feel there are some recessed mids in the HF-1 (bowls), D2000-7000, Proline 2500, Darth Beyer V3, SR-Lambda pro, and UE11Pro. I think the O2 Mk1 can have recessed mids depending on the amp, and I heard mildly recessed on the GES and BHSE, but they sounded more forward on WES and ZDT/SRD-7 Pro.

There's a much simpler explanation Morphsci, HeadphoneAddict needs to get his hearing checked. Seriously. The HF-1 has recessed mids while the K702 and HD800 don't? Are you fucking shitting me?


... and a crazier brand name.

The Psyko 5.1 PC Gaming Headset effectively address the limitation of both room systems and traditional headphones, by designing a perfect sound room and then shrinking it down and presenting it in an acoustic headphone form.

No wonder!

perhaps checking out the D7000 would be a good idea. I think they can often be found in the 5-600 range and Tyll spoke pretty highly of them.

Actooly, I liked the D5000 better. And I'm moderately okay with the CD3000 ... for a Sony.

Matt Engstrom at Shure said I should try the 840 with the 440 pads. I haven't done it, but I did think the 840 was a bit bass heavy and preferred the 440 somewhat ... a good cheap sealed.

Sealed headphones are just a problem. Good luck Dinny!


Thanks, Tyll. I'm curious about what you liked better about the D5000 over the 7000.

So far, I'm doing the following:

- Borrowed a K340 from Jim. But now I can't find my XLR-1/4" adapter. :palm:


- Trying hard for a minty CD3000

- Borrowing the T1 from Al

I think I'm going to forego the Shures for now. And Tyll, you're right, sealed headphones are just tough. Hopefully, I can add some somewhat helpful opinions after listening to a few of the options out there.


I've been thinking about all the closed headphones I've heard and almost liked. I like the CD3000 minus the treble hurt, but think the D5000 is a good all-rounder. I didn't like the 2000 at all, and have never heard the 7000. All that hype about the modded D5000 being better or close to R10s is utter crap, but they are a decent headphone. I don't have enough experience with the AT woodies to comment. I'd wait til CanJam, and try some things out.


I thought the D7000 bass was flabby sounding compared to the D5000 to me.

5000 measures pretty damned good.

I did think the J$ pads did quite a bit for the imaging, as claimed broadly.

In the end though, the juice just isn't in the right places.

Also all the Denons actually SUCK for isolation ... they're sealed in name only

and actually amplify (though resonance of some sort) outside noise between 150Hz and 600Hz!!

Notice how the isolation curve is above zero:


All that hype about the modded D5000 being better or close to R10s is utter crap, but they are a decent headphone.

Amen to that, sister!

My favorite closed headphones, in more-or-less order:





Ed. 9








R10, obviously.

But the 4070 are the real deal. IMO well worth the coin. Although they couldn't be much uglier or more "look at me, the dork" looking in the mirror, they deliver music in an extremely detailed, yet neutral and matter-of-fact manner. Not at all "exciting" headphones, but nothing is missing or overblown, and thus they draw no attention to themselves. As a result, there are no distractions to your enjoyment of the music. They're easy to get "lost" in, which is the one thing that closed headphones do better than open headphones, generally speaking. But the difference is, with the 4070, you get lost in the music (unadulterated truth) as opposed to lost in the headphones. So many other closed headphones draw too much attention to themselves.

Like the L3000, DX1000 and Edition 9. Love 'em all in some ways, but wouldn't want to listen to them day in and day out as all-arounders. The L3000 is the PRaT master, but not available and not under $1,000. Duh! The DX1000 and Edition 9 are both kind of funky. I'm not crazy about either (long term), but both offer something a little "different" sounding that might really grab you. I can understand why some people go ape shit over each of them.

After that, there is a dividing line for me. I'd love to say that the W5000's are great headphones, and they probably would be for someone they happened to fit properly, but I can never get them to fully seal and I'm not alone in that regard. They're kind of like the Qualia 010 both in terms of the love/hate they seem to draw, but also in terms of the fit/seal issue, so my advice is always to please try before you buy if you're a W5000 shopper.

All of the rest of the AT woodies have their merits and demerits, but generally follow a house sound (something about the mids, not sure what to call it) that ultimately limits their appeal if you're looking for an all-arounder. I guess it's fatigue. I can listen to the W100 or W1000 for a couple of albums, but that's about it. The W1000X are better, but I'm not sure how much better, and I don't think quite at the W5000 level, but they're still new and not broken in yet. The W1000X sure are pretty though.

I've never really tried many AKG's other than the K1000, so I can't really comment on that score.

Not crazy about the D5000. Nice and polite but kind of blah and uneventful. Haven't tried the D7000.


Krap lover here! I am one of those who prefers the modded Denon to the R10. Cheers!

Dinny, if you need an AKG balanced 4-prong plug to 1/4" let me know. I loaned mine to Aaron (immtbiker) and I do not believe he is currently using it so he may be able to ship it to you.

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