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Ok I am a little scared to post on these forums, but I think I have pretty thick skin and I can take it...... I have lurked around here since falling in love with headphones, but in all honesty was a little intimidated to post. I finally joined. Read the welcome PM 50 times to make sure I didn't miss anything that will get me banned or just embarass myself. This is a forum of freindship and I hope I can fit in somewhere along the way. I know a lot of you from other forums such as head-fi.

I have been married for 16 years and have two beautiful children, Tori 14, and Wade 9.

We share our jungle with a gigantic Bloodhound, a Jack Russell Terrier, Pomeranian, Ragdoll Cat , Manx and a 50 pound captive bred chocolate Raccoon.

I love audio, I always have. I can play just about any musical instrument competently, but wished I would have stuck with just one and gottn great at it.

I have Ultrasone 2500's and HIFI 780 headphones and my HF2 should be here tomorrow. My source is Flac through my X-fi with Blackgate NX 2200uF and 4x LM4562 and EFI shielding and other replaced caps. It is running into a beautiful sounding Bijou headphone amp built by dBel. I really love this amp but am hoping to buy a nice DAC to pair with it asap.

I wanted to make a post and say hi. I am no expert audiophile so I won't make any advice giving threads, but I sure do love to read them! This site is excellent and I hope to become an accepted member of this extended family.


Chris Junkin aka MoBayRasta

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i have always wondered what a raccoon would be like as a pet.

Well the first two years were an absolute pain in the ass. He was like having a toddler that you had to keep up with all the time. You have to have them neutered or spayed or they will just get down right nasty during breeding season. He is a really mellow now (3 years old) and I have to tell him no a lot less often. He is a member of our family and would realy miss him if he were not around. He is super sweet and LOVES attention. He will let you scatch his back for hours and hours and will lay there as long as you will keep doing it. He is what I would call an attention whore.....lol There is a great forum devoted to exotic pets Sybil's Message Board Some really great people on it. You are lucky you live in Ohio and everything is legal to own. If you search my forum name ( mobayrasta ) you can see all the trials and tribulations I went through with him. Would I do it again? Hell no! There were so many times I said what the hell did I get myself into...... He is great now that he is an adult, but I will never forget the constant attention he required to get to this point. They are not an animal for most people, you need a lot of patience.

Thanks for the welcomes!



Welcome to HC! I'm an almost-noob and felt the same initially. I wrote almost nothing for over a year. I finally starting jumping in a few months ago. I've gotten the best, quickest, information here and love it. I've been 'gently informed' when I wrote something dumb; I figured out why it was dumb, admitted it was dumb, and that was the end of it. Otherwise it's been great information and great people. Pretty much everything posted here is worthwhile and accurate, and I think they want to keep it that way! :-)

I look forward to meeting people in person at CJ! I hope you have a similar experience!


This guy claims to live in a jungle and be a multi-instrumentalist Dr. Doolittle with a tricked out SoundBlaster for a source, and everybody is just playing nice-nice and not calling him out on any of this shit? What the fuck is wrong with Head-Case these days?! Lost its edge, apparently. :palm::basement:

Just kidding, actually. Welcome to the 'Case, but pics of the Manx and coon playing with your kids or you're banned!

I can play just about any musical instrument competently, but wished I would have stuck with just one and gottn great at it.

Prompted by the DOTU, I call shenanigans on this! How can anyone play "just about any musical instrument competently"? Can you play violin, piano, trumpet, sax, trombone, guitar, and the percussion kit? And can you also play harmonica, didgiridoo, and that trick by blowing across glasses that are partially filled? Can you? If not, well your dubious claim just fell flatter than a pancake and I daresay this kind of ridiculousness will not be tolerated!

Oh and it's ok to be scared to post on HC. You never know when a shovel might come swinging out of the darkness headed in your direction.


I can't imagine having a raccoon as a pet. I am still wary of approaching raccoons after I had a random incident once as a kid after I went to sleep once during that summer after leaving gold tin wrap in front of my open window. My dad had a camouflage RC car in the attic with a built-in tape recording of an injured rabbit that randomly started playing evidentally (I had no idea he had such a sick contraption). So that night I woke up to an open window and the sounds of rustling tin and screaming dying rabbit. After waking to that, I immediately thought about how raccoons liked shiny objects, were nocturnal and did not like being cornered, which did not make me happy about being in that room at that moment. Long story short, I eventually ended up making a break for the door and then returned with golf clubs to find nothing there. :palm: Raccoon or no raccoon that time, I can't imagine approaching a large raccoon still.

So I guess what I meant to say was welcome, Chris, to head-case. I probably won't be visiting. :)

This guy claims to live in a jungle and be a multi-instrumentalist Dr. Doolittle with a tricked out SoundBlaster for a source, and everybody is just playing nice-nice and not calling him out on any of this shit? What the fuck is wrong with Head-Case these days?! Lost its edge, apparently. :palm::basement:

Just kidding, actually. Welcome to the 'Case, but pics of the Manx and coon playing with your kids or you're banned!

I think the 50lb raccoon thing just left us stunned. I didn't even know they get that big. Good god. Might as well get a damn puma or something.

Anyways, man the fuck up noob, and get an RME or Lynx. Or ban.

Man, you guys are good! I am definitely still an amateur ...

No shit, Mr. "I was a scared noob once too, and now I like it here because everyone is so nice now that Rainbow Brite is the site admin, and no shovels have..." THWACK!

You better buy me a beer at CJ10 or I will taunt you a second time!

No shit, Mr. "I was a scared noob once too, and now I like it here because everyone is so nice now that Rainbow Brite is the site admin, and no shovels have..." THWACK!

You better buy me a beer at CJ10 or I will taunt you a second time!

LOL. I'll buy the beers, not a problem. And don't forget the free vinyl! BTW, as the first of only two respondents to have an interest in the vinyl, let me know if you want me to put your name on any titles before the good ones are grabbed by someone else. Write here or PM me. It's mostly 80's rock, classic rock and classical, some jazz and R+B - too many to list, but if you give me some direction I can tell you which ones might be of interest.

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