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Every report that I've heard is that printing is pretty much still a big fail on the iPad. So you might find something that will work, but I wouldn't count on it and would probably just wait a month or two for more developers to bring apps to market.

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Evidently with the Perfect Browser you have to switch it from the default fast browse desktop web rending to Safari for iPad desktop web rendring to be able to type a message on here. Seems pretty quick in fast browse and I notice little difference in the other setting.

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Anyone compare the Atomic v. A-1 Perfect browsers and can recommend?

I have both and I really like Perfect Browser. It is like having Firefox on your Ipad. Also you don't have to reload the tabs once you have all of them loaded (unless of course you close the app). In Safari if you minimize a tab and bring one in focus, and then try to bring back the other tab you minimize it will need to reload it again. Overall it is a great app.

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^ Well, I just downloaded it, so will let you know how I like it in a bit.

Also, I think I must be retarded. I really haven't downloaded any apps. I can't seem to find any that interest me much. I downloaded the book thing, photogene, a grammar app.....pathetic. :(

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Well, I like the browser, though it crashed on me once. I like the flipping easily though pages. Had chat open and bookmarked on one, and the main page open on another. Nice going back and forth, except it annoyingly bops you out of chat each time.

Edit: that wasn't true. I bookmarked chat once logged on and I'm now flipping back and forth between this and chat, and it doesn't log you off each time. I really like this.

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Oops, I meant Word Genius Lite. I haven't tried the non-lite version yet but I might as well.

I also have Letter Chain and Boggle on the ipad but I like the format and speed of Word Genius the best. The one thing I don't like about WGL is the dictionary - too many words that are not actually english words.

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Anyone playing Godfinger, I need to make a friend. (:

Andy, it won't open for me. All I get is the company info then poof gone. I deleted it and tried again, but same deal.

I liked word flick until it stopped working. :(

Got it working. Fun, fast little game.

Vicki, would be curious of your experiences overtime.

So far, I definitely prefer it over Safari, and though I haven't spent much time yet with the Atomic one, I like this once I figured out the bookmarking thing. I haven't really used the Q feature yet.

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