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Animals eat other animals, it's part of nature and impossible to avoid. And the animal dies you might as well use as much of it as you can.

But it's not ok to subject them to activities that could be considered tortorous, like lifting weights that are far too large for the animal or being attacked by machines. That's all I have to say on the subject.


But it's not ok to subject them to activities that could be considered tortorous, like lifting weights that are far too large for the animal or being attacked by machines. That's all I have to say on the subject.

Not to go all PETA on you, but I wouldn't necessarily consider some food production techniques regarding animals to be humane. But then again, some natural things are also quite grotesque...


PETA? Does that stand for People for the Eating of Tasty Animals?

But on a more serious note, I don't have anything against animals. After all, we need meat to survive, so it's inevitable that some animals must be killed for that purpose. I just don't get this animal olympics thing? Aren't there more interesting diversions than watching animals lift weights?


Considering that we have horse racing, show jumping, and rodeo events which are hardly kind to animals and are pretty much animal olympics, it would be pretty hypocritical for us to complain about China having an animal olympics circus.


Considering the mass slaughter of dogs in China recently, these Animal Olympics are pretty tame. There was a rabies scare recently, and if a dog tested positive, they would kill all dogs within a certain radius that usually included a couple of towns. The autorities more often than not clubbed them to death in front of their owners. I read somewhere that about 40,000 dogs were killed during the latest wave.


Considering the mass slaughter of dogs in China recently, these Animal Olympics are pretty tame. There was a rabies scare recently, and if a dog tested positive, they would kill all dogs within a certain radius that usually included a couple of towns. The autorities more often than not clubbed them to death in front of their owners. I read somewhere that about 40,000 dogs were killed during the latest wave.

I think I would seriously have to be restrained, or that authority wouldn't be walking home.


I think I would seriously have to be restrained, or that authority wouldn't be walking home.

If anyone would go to hurt my dog (when He was alive) I would make sure that tough guy was taken down, if someone comes to kill my dog then I would easily justify that person to die...sorry but fucking with a member of my family let alone trying to kill a member is death no questions asked...

yes a dog can easily be a member of the family.

to me from the pics I seen on the link is not cruel,

shit like these videos is cruel, throwing two animals in a cage for them to fight is not cool at all..

warning Tiger VS lion videos, dont watch if you really love animals..



there are alot other on there...


i think this shit is hilarious. people getting all upset about this need to realize we do far worse things in our own country with animals. a couple of bears boxing, that is some amusing shit.


I think that "more horrible" things being done with animals doesn't excuse things that are merely "horrible".

It's like claiming that people are pussies for being upset about murder when ethnic killings are going on. Sure, the ethnic killings might be worse, but that doesn't excuse murder.

For myself I find it pretty sickening that people enjoy watching animals forced by humans to kill each other, but I suppose it is merely one of many bizzare enjoyments.

Don't think horse racing quite compares to forcing horses to fight each other. I am pretty sure the degree to which the horses are provoked makes the ensuing fights much more vicious than regular horse fights (e.g. in the wild).

Of course, I'm obviously naive, idealistic, etc. for these thoughts. Excuse me while I go to the local store so I can get off on strangling domesticated animals.


Excuse me while I go to the local store so I can get off on strangling domesticated animals.

WOW dood, u are just too crazy man. I can't believe your into that stuff. you are truly evil. Your going to animal cruelty hell.

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