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Some of you are aware that Tyll has been attempting to start an International Headphone organization. The primary purpose of this organization would be to plan and hold the National and some large regional meets. It would also be an independent organization tasked with promoting the headphone hobby. The plan was to use the excess funds from the National meet to start this organization as a 501c3.

Tyll has spent a great deal of time and energy working on this project. He stated from the very beginning that he wanted the organization to be democratic with an elected board. After it got going Tyll specifically did not want to be in charge of it. Well yesterday Jude basically pulled the rug out from underneath. He has no authority to distribute the excess funds from the last National meet, but he came out and posted that he intends to give it to charity. He asked for people to chime in with how they think the money should be spent.

This thread.


This morning I posted this:


It was deleted within a matter of minutes.

So I posted this


Which was gone in less than 2 minutes.

Jude seems to feel that everything outside of Head-Fi jeopardizes his private little fiefdom. He has killed the formation of an independent organization that would have promoted the advancement of the Headphone Hobby. He is also making every effort to keep people from finding out how much of a fascist little dick he is.

I just thought that some people should know.

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........................and it's gone

Deleting my posts is a sure sign that the Head-Fi policy is to sensor any and all mention of any headphone oriented organization or web-site aside from Head-Fi. The fact that the moderator who deleted my posts wouldn?t send me a PM about my posts being deleted proves that he is (Are there ant female moderators?) a major PUSSY.

The biggest and most significant improvement that Head-Fi could make is have a message appear in the thread saying ?Post deleted by Moderator X?. Currently there is no accountability.

Fuck I wish traffic would pick up here so I didn?t feel the need to go there. We?re mostly ass holes here, but at least we?re honest about it.


It pisses me off. Jude kept himself apart from the meet. He specifically wants Head-Fi to have nothing to do with the organizing or the running of any of the meets, but he refuses to let so much as a whisper about forming an organization to do so be heard. He is a selfish little bastard. He wants the money from the meets, but he isn?t willing to expend any effort to help plan them. Yet he is so terrified that something might usurp his illusionary power (An illusion everywhere except on Head-Fi) that he will not let a word be written about any other Headphone site or organization. As I said, he?s a selfish little bastard. He?s not willing to cook a cake, but he wants to have his cake and eat it to, and keep everyone from talking about any other cake or even recipes for cake.

Fuck! Now I?m hungry.


So why isn't this organization formed elsewhere? Is it vital that all of Head-Fi's input be included?

Considering I don't know much about Tyll's goals, I could just be rambling aimlessly on, but:

Couldn't the organization be formed without the aid of head-fi (say here for example) and then meets and such can be planned... then the meet is just announced at head-fi as a normal meet.

Now I think it is stepping out of his bounds, for Jude to take financial responsibility for a meet that he had nothing to do with, financially or organizationally. This, to me, is a sign that head-fi, or Jude, needs to be overthrown.


I would think that the majority of the people who would serve well in this association are here anyway. If not, there is no harm in dropping a PM or an email and tell them to join here.

I'm a bit peeved over King Jude's governing actions, and I strongly feel something should be done about it.


I would think that the majority of the people who would serve well in this association are here anyway. If not, there is no harm in dropping a PM or an email and tell them to join here.

I'm a bit peeved over King Jude's governing actions, and I strongly feel something should be done about it.

This site is a great first step but I'm not sure what, if anything else, can be done. It's his site and he's surrounded himself with people that toe the headfi line. They still get a great deal of traffic and that means the sponsors won't be jumping ship anytime soon. Short of him doing something stupid and illegal, I don't see things changing anytime soon. Seems like for every person that gets wise and they ban, there's 3 more who haven't a clue about the true nature of that site. Hell, look how long it took me to wake up. I'd like to think I'm not a total moron, but I just didn't see things the way they really were for some time.


I would caution you all to not take for granted how much Jude as done for the hobby as you talk about his failings. We all have failings---and we are all amazingly beautiful.

Any hobbyist Assn. formed would be best served by a symbiotic relationship with Head-Fi. Jude has done a good job of providing a forum for this communities dialog, it is not perfect, but it is far from fatally flawed. And it is far from fatally flawed because Jude and the moderators there have moderated it into a great place.


I would caution you all to not take for granted how much Jude as done for the hobby as you talk about his failings. We all have failings---and we are all amazingly beautiful.

Any hobbyist Assn. formed would be best served by a symbiotic relationship with Head-Fi. Jude has done a good job of providing a forum for this communities dialog, it is not perfect, but it is far from fatally flawed. And it is far from fatally flawed because Jude and the moderators there have moderated it into a great place.

Most of those things that he's done, happened a long time ago. Yes, he deserves credit for those (starting Head-Fi, etc.), but as far as I am concerned, the statute of limitations has run out. As soon as he started taking money from contributors and advertisers, he no longer was the sole owner of that forum, and should stop treating it like his own personal domain. He claims to want it to be a self-supporting website, and yet he still wants to control it 100% -- I completely agree with the cake & eat it comment. And how is it he got to decide what to do with the money? You did all the work. And most importantly, it's not his money.

I understand your position -- you're right, Head-Fi is the dominant force in this hobby, and you can't afford to alienate yourself with them.

Me, I grow sad every time I think about it. Jude used to like me, I used to like him. Without even trying, I seem to have alienated him. All I did was speak my mind, as I saw it. The nature of the way he wants to play this is, that in itself is a bad thing. As far as I am concerned, there is a completely different person sitting in his seat now -- someone that needs to drink some decaf. I just don't picture him doing some of the things that he used to do.


A headphone hobby association (Head-First) is not only good for the headphone enthusiast community and newbies, but also for Head-Fi. Since it will be another outlet to drawn in more people to the world of headphones. It?s unfortunate that Head-Fiers will not be afforded the opportunity to decide whether they would like to donate this money to Head-First. Because it apparently has already been decided for them by the powers that be. I bet to a certain degree another headphone type forum or hobby association is perceived as a (potential) competitor.


I agree Dusty. If the excess funds were going to be distributed by Head-Fi then that's something that should have been stated in the meet information thread. Jude even stood up at the National meet and said that he had nothing to do with the meet and we should thank, Aaron, jpleg, Jahn, Bozebuttons, Tyll...etc. for all their hard work. If anything they should be the ones to decide where that money goes.

This goes to the heart of another issue that happened in Ohio where a meet organizer was not going to allow someone to come to their meet (we all know the situation so I won't name names.).

If Head-Fi as an organization is not responsible for the organization of the meet then how is it possible that they can dictate meet policy and moreover the use of funds?

Tyll I think it's time for that organization to get up and running. I think a symbiotic relationship with Head-Fi is a great idea, but this meet BS is revealing some issues. Issues that need to be resolved. Where will the excess funds (if any) from the next meet go? A fund for Head-Fi member travel? Defray the cost of admission? Or to the boards? Either that or Jude needs to designate people to organize the meets and then compensate them via the excess funds. Something.

I'm all for giving things to charity, but if that's the case then we need to know where that money is going BEFORE we plunk it down.

I bet to a certain degree another headphone type forum or hobby association is perceived as a (potential) competitor.

It wouldn't have to be that way. There are a number of sites that provide information but have boards run by another party. The Headphone organization could be the body that plans and executes meets. Head-Fi would be the official message board attached to the Hobbyist site.


I think an interesting question regarding this topic is who had direct control of the money following the meet, and who is in control of it now? The answer to those questions would shed quite a bit on the real motivations behind the "what to do with the money" thread.

I also agree with the many people who said the funds should go towards next years meet. I imagine it would drastically lower the costs for the organizers and attendees if distributed properly.


I respect what Jude has done in the past for the headphone hobby, key words, done, and past. What he's been doing in the past year or so and what he continues to do now has pretty much used up that bank of prior respect and will soon put that respect into negative territory. And that's sad and unfortunate, but life goes on.


Why else are they prohibiting anyone from mentioning anything about Head-First if not to slow it down or try and stop it from being (quickly) successful from the start, which it most likely would be with Head-Fi?s blessing and support.

If Head-Fi went down for a few days or weeks it would result in more people searching out and discovering other headphone forums. Yet Head-Case might be a bit too hot and spicy for some.


I seriously doubt Ray would have showed up at a meet he had been clearly told he was (unwelcomed and) not invited. To say he wasn?t prevented from attending is a bit disingenuous with all due respect. Yet I think you should have let the man attend and if he did something (overtly) offensive, you could have politely ask him to quit it or leave. For whatever reason Ray and Head-Fi seem like a packaged item.


Tyll has been holding the money, primarily because Jude refused to take it for tax reasons.

To be more specific, Jude refused the money because it came from a raffle. This is considered gambling, which can only be done by a non-profit organization. So Tyll essentially had no choice but to create a non-profit that could legally accept the funds, and put them toward future meets and promoting the headphone hobby. Tyll informed Jude of this, and he initially agreed to it. However, Jude has some issues with the organization that's being created, so now he's attempting a pre-emptive strike, publicly talking about distributing funds which he has previously refused, to try and undercut the non-profit before it gets going.

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