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Google's shut down a number of music blogs, making the whole blog's content and archives inaccessible not only to readers but to the blog's authors themselves.

The issue seems to be accusations of DMCA or other infringement that breach Blogger or Blogspot's Terms of Service, but bloggers are claiming they had permission and encouragement from artists and labels to post the material. More details in the article.

The Twitter topic is #musicblogocide2k10.

(Yes, it's normally Ric who posts these things, but at this hour I'm assuming he's sleeping the sleep of the just. Hope he won't mind my stepping in.)


I think I need less tech posts if I'm developing a reputation. :P

Reportedly, the Jobs quote is actually a bit off and he qualified it as "some departments in Google...," but that matters as little or much as you apply it to the larger picture.

A few people are wondering if Googles fight with China will shift them a bit on intellectual property issues. Not sure if this is related, but we'll see.

And "musicblogocide 2010" doesn't roll off the tongue, does it?

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