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It's a basic PSU feeding a DC-DC high voltage converter. But like Marc said it's a trade secret... :D


Would it be possible to stuff the goods into an energizer box of some sorts? My layout is rather long, but I'm betting it would be possible to stack the two components and save some space.

It all fits on one of the perf boards you sent me with room to spare. It could certainly be squeezed into an energizer of some sorts with some creative thinking. I'm also going to build a combination supply around the small 230v/115v transformer with a doubler for the normal bias and 5 levels for the Pro.


It's a basic PSU feeding a DC-DC high voltage converter. But like Marc said it's a trade secret... :D

a secret at least until I can get more of those little black boxes... in all seriousness, I'm thinking of making a small PCB that will house a transformer, simple adjustable regulator circuit and the DC-DC converter. I just wanted to find a footprint that would fit in an energizer before I went forward, as I figured this would have a lot of use. If anyone could help me out on this front, it would be much appreciated :)


a secret at least until I can get more of those little black boxes... in all seriousness, I'm thinking of making a small PCB that will house a transformer, simple adjustable regulator circuit and the DC-DC converter. I just wanted to find a footprint that would fit in an energizer before I went forward, as I figured this would have a lot of use. If anyone could help me out on this front, it would be much appreciated :)

The boards inside the SRD-7 are tiny or roughly 5"x2.5" but I can't be sure since I don't have any here. The PCB could be taller but not by much. Now if we were talking about a new design it's certainly doable wit some cheap transformers.


Hows your inbox doing of late Spritzer? The Stax really is flowing thick and fast for FOTM no-clue interested parties now. Had any really daft questions fired your way yet?


Hows your inbox doing of late Spritzer? The Stax really is flowing thick and fast for FOTM no-clue interested parties now. Had any really daft questions fired your way yet?

All has been quiet on the western front but I'm just waiting for the onslaught. It will come... it always has when Stax fever hits the boards. I'll probably be selling some more of my gear soon and I'm really not looking forward to that. :-\


All has been quiet on the western front but I'm just waiting for the onslaught. It will come... it always has when Stax fever hits the boards. I'll probably be selling some more of my gear soon and I'm really not looking forward to that. :-\

Must be nice having the limitless inbox over here :) (probably doesn't help that you get flooded with messages at Headfi though)


It could very well have been replaced at some point and with the wrong part. I think it's time to go resistor shopping.

I don't have the equipment for that though. I'm not really the DIY type. :-\

Actually, I'd rather switch to an SS unit at this point.

Anyone want a SRM-007t for cheap (say, $350)? I'll throw in 8 Toshiba 6FQ7 for $40 and a Lambda Pro for $300. :angel:


Must be nice having the limitless inbox over here :) (probably doesn't help that you get flooded with messages at Headfi though)

It's the only reason that I'm a contributor on HF although having a search function that works can be nice as well. ::)

I don't have the equipment for that though. I'm not really the DIY type. :-\

Actually, I'd rather switch to an SS unit at this point.

Anyone want a SRM-007t for cheap (say, $350)? I'll throw in 8 Toshiba 6FQ7 for $40 and a Lambda Pro for $300. :angel:

Desoldering a resistor isn't that hard but don't do it you don't feel comfortable. If Deepak doesn't want the amp then I'll take it off your hands.


Sorry about turning this thread into a FS thread, and thanks for the interest. It looks like the amp is going to a better place (Iceland), and more capable hands. :angel:

Unfortunately, I no longer have an amp for my Omega II. :sadcat:

I guess it is time to go find myself something like an SRM-717 or KGSS.


Is $1500 the price nowadays for an used stock KGSS? I'm not sure I have that much to spend at the moment.

I can afford to wait a little bit because I'll be kind of busy with family stuff for the next month or so.


You're probably right, I try not to look.


Is $1500 the price nowadays for an used stock KGSS? I'm not sure I have that much to spend at the moment.

I can afford to wait a little bit because I'll be kind of busy with family stuff for the next month or so.

Justin increased the price some time ago and the amps are in high demand so it should be a fair price. There is a new version of the amp coming but only Justin knows when that is.


Jeez $350 for an 007t? Milkpowder will be sad he missed that one. I think he's selling his lambdas to beef up from the 006t for his HE60. The auctions end tonight, hes set for about


Justin increased the price some time ago and the amps are in high demand so it should be a fair price. There is a new version of the amp coming but only Justin knows when that is.

Hmm.... I guess I'll try to find a SRM-717 or SRM-727 for now. Then when the new flood of Headamp KG** hits the market, maybe the price of the older units will drop a bit.


Jeez $350 for an 007t? Milkpowder will be sad he missed that one. I think he's selling his lambdas to beef up from the 006t for his HE60. The auctions end tonight, hes set for about


The prices should drop if Justin can supply the new amps fast enough. It looks to be a surge of Stax interest now after the BH showing it's true colors in Florida so the there is the potential for more demand.

I hope that the prices for 717 and 727 don't go up too much.

I just put up a WTB ad on Head-Fi. Have I been here long enough to do the same here? :-\

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