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The Headcase Stax thread


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I threw my hat in the ring since that amps need to be rebuilt, properly. Split filament supplies, remove that silly biasing scheme, add a proper umbilical cable, remove the crappy bias supply, address the rest of the PSU issues, remove all the magic "tweaks" and put in some nice Teflon sockets.

Kane was going to send it to either me or Kevin last year but nothing came of it. Even back then he made it quite clear that he didn't want the amp back once it was finished.

Dance of Death came out on DVD-A? What resolution? How're the dynamics, compressed?

I'm not sure about the resolution since the box says nothing about it and I'm not sure the Denon 3910 can give me that info. The dynamics are better (enough so that the Egmont has a hissy fit) and the recording has this ease to it much the same as good SACD. Now if the damn thing would start off in stereo mode and not silly 5.1... :mad:

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The 4070 is a monitor so ruthlessly revealing (the SR-007 does dig out more detail to my ears) and the bass is a bit on the anemic side. Otherwise there is little to criticize and for a closed headphone they are a marvel with just a hint of thickening in the upper midrange. They are heavy though and the earpads can get a bit clammy. I've been thinking about revisiting the 4070 now that the SR-404LE earpads are available. The thicker material should help the bass a bit.

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