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It ain't too hard to guess.;) I won the Jecklin electrostats on Ebay, hopefully the MkII version, which are the closest thing I will ever get to a Sigma or K1000... which is, to say, not very.

Edit: Btw, currently I'm using my old dead T40 pads on my ESP10. Comfort is much improved since my ears barely don't touch the metal anymore. Presentation of sound is quite different from the SR-5 pads.


Theres at least four, although the earlier ones are much rarer.

Those are the PS2 model, the last one. The PS1 has a silver label, not black ans red, and the PS0 has no label and a tapered bottom and a different shaped headarch where the taper is the opposite way. I've also seen one example with a circular cut out in a more solid looking version of the ps0 headarch.


The last time I tried to date someone, I ended up getting my ass handed to me and it took at least several months to get back up from zero. When I get emotionally invested in things, I get kind of obsessive.

... and back to your regularly scheduled Stax thread.

Edit: Thanks, Duggeh, would you say the last version is best?

I have 3 pages of notes of an O2/Smegma Pro comparison, which I was meaning to post in a full review. Then, real life got in the way and it had to be put on hold for stuff that had a higher priority. I really should dig out the notes and arrange them into something presentable, though it's been some time since I heard the cans.

Suffice to say that I thought that they were lovely cans with a good tonality and a very punchy but accurate bass. They were pretty forward and very engaging, solid rock headphones but also accurate enough for classical and jazz. Not O2-beaters but then again nothing is, and they were surprisingly similar in tonality though a lot rougher around the edges. Those old Stax drivers are good.

This was with the 840c and 717, not the best signal path but certainly good enough to give a very clear idea as to a headphone's performance.

Agree completely, and they are much better sounding than when I shipped the stock Gamma Pro to Smeggy. Smeggy, thank you soooo much!


'stat boy

PS: I wonder if Smeggy would trade the K1000 for one of my O2?


I don't want anything that sounds remotely like 404, tried it, didn't like it. Anyway Larry, I only have a SRD-7Mk2 to run stats. Plus, I only have one K1k left as I traded the other for a Beta 22.


Problem is I'd have to sell most of my stats first. I'll wait until the Jecklin Float electrostatics come and see how things are. Things would be much easier if I didn't keep impulsively buying things and just saved up money.:D


Saving up or selling to buy. Except that sometimes when you try to sell, nobody wants what you're selling. Selling the Alpeh was supposed to help retroactively pay for the DAS-R1...

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