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The K701 do not excite you because they are not exciting. For you:




Phones: Lambda Pro

Amp: SRM1/MK2

Thanks for the suggestion. How much does the lambda pro go for normally?

While I can't seem to find any lambda pro's selling currently, I saw this lambda sprint on Y!Jp. Is it similar/better/worse than the lambda pro?

Also does anyone here know how to buy from Y!Jp? How do you pay them since it seems that there isn't any paypal option there.

Pardon my many questions.


Oh man, after 3 weeks of nothing but dynamics, the Lambda has re-wowed me. There really is no other way to go, how could I have ever even begun to think otherwise. :palm:

There is one other way... the most excruciating and possibly most satisfying: buying and modding your own isodynamics. Even after countless hours of thinking about modding and then modding, I'd say it was worth it.

Thanks for the suggestion. How much does the lambda pro go for normally?

While I can't seem to find any lambda pro's selling currently, I saw this lambda sprint on Y!Jp. Is it similar/better/worse than the lambda pro?

Also does anyone here know how to buy from Y!Jp? How do you pay them since it seems that there isn't any paypal option there.

Pardon my many questions.


You in the main need a deputy service ex: kuboTEN. $350-400ish for the Lambda Pros. As for the sound of the spirit, obviously they will share the common lambda tendencies but beyond that I haven't heard either enough to give solid feed back.

Why did you return the JADE after your love affair with them in your top 5? My JADE shipped to me today and I don't want to be disappointed.

I didn't return the Jade! They were taken from me by a couple of Mafia thugs. They said I was blabbing too much about the O2Mk1 earpads not being real leather and how it is too dark-sounding. :(

Perhaps Elephas' love affair with Jade was like mine, but he's not willing to admit it?! :)

You...you... big mouth tattletale, you! :P

I didn't return the Jade! They were taken from me by a couple of Mafia thugs. They said I was blabbing too much about the O2Mk1 earpads not being real leather and how it is too dark-sounding. :(

You...you... big mouth tattletale, you! :P

So, in exchange, I hope they are installing O2 Mk2 pads and a O2 cable for you instead...

As for my JADE:

Label/Receipt Number: EE01 2123 112C N

Status: Foreign Acceptance

Your item was accepted on January 15, 2009 at 7:43 PM. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later.

um, use a balance pot? :)

Well, I am not talking about this, doh. I am concerned with what could be causing the imbalance and can it get worth with age? Usually this is an indication of a problem with one of the panels, a dust cover or even a diaphragm issue in one of them can be damaged. My question was basically how easy are these to fix disassemble?


I believe they use a similar type of panel as ML (powder coated sheet metal) so there are no dust covers and the drivers are often glued together. I'd start checking the bias supplies though before the panels.

Hey, is this the one?

FS: STAX SR-Lambda Pro *CONUS* - Head-Fi: Covering Headphones, Earphones and Portable Audio

Would the pads be any issue? Is the price reasonable?

Looks pretty good, fair price. The disintegration of the foam is normal and will not make a difference in terms of sound. You should definitely ask to see confirmatory pics, but you can also always replace earpads relatively cheaply if you need to.

Looks pretty good, fair price. The disintegration of the foam is normal and will not make a difference in terms of sound. You should definitely ask to see confirmatory pics, but you can also always replace earpads relatively cheaply if you need to.

That's a great idea. Already PMed him.

Btw he mentioned "All of the inner foam has disintegrated". What exactly is the function of the inner foam? I gather that the inner foam has nothing to do with the pads right, or am i mistaken...

Thanks a lot for you help Monkey.


The foam behind the earpads? Just get new pads anyway, they're so nice and comfy, and they now come with a non-disintegrating cloth driver cover. The thing said it was to protect the stator from dust.

The foam behind the earpads? Just get new pads anyway, they're so nice and comfy, and they now come with a non-disintegrating cloth driver cover. The thing said it was to protect the stator from dust.

I don't love the new pads. I feel like the foam is unevenly distributed and it's not as "fluffy" as the old pads. Anyone else have this experience?

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