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Out of interest, has anyone successfully repaired a pair of drivers with a serious level of channel imbalance? I'm wondering whether it'd be worth my while to try to restore my pair of hugely imbalanced gamma pro drivers.

Try recoating the diaphragm, that has worked for me in the past. It's also not a problem to rebuild Lambda/Sigma drivers but you have to use the right glue and clean them completely before attempting it.

I would guess this depends on exactly what you propose to do by way of repairs. If the imbalance were due to something like the one stator contact being disconnected that would be a fairly easy fix. If the driver is seriously damaged, eg. holes in the driver membrane I don't think they are easy to rebuild.

I think that's the problem my pair has. I hope there's nothing special about the strip of wire they're using.


Btw. I just got a SRM-727 to mod and holy hell the 007A/727 combo is bad. Two components with exaggerated bass response don't mix well... :blink:

I noticed that as soon as it came in. After applying your "727 mod", things got much better. I haven't modded my 007Mk2 yet, which is an SZ3 type, although bass is less controlled than with 4070 Monitor.

Is the combo you refer to SZ2 or SZ3 type 007A?

Are you performing the same 727 mod as described earlier (150K feedback relocation / 200R gain)?


This is one of the first SR-007A's made so a SZ2. It had the ports completely open but once I had adjusted the arcs for my head there is some obstruction so the bass is only slightly overblown. I do like this sound though as an alternative to the Mk1. I know that a fully modded set is more linear but this setup is a lot more fun. :)

I just did the 150K feedback mod on this one, no need to mess with the gain. The change is pretty startling to say the least...


Ahhhh... I am so not confident I can do the mod by myself... I have done soldering in the past while working for a french audio maker though, but it's a looong time ago...

The mods sounds like a major step in the right direction though, that would be just perfect while I must pace myself and wait for funds to cover the sr009 purchase!

It does not sound like too difficult a job though, ....


The mod is very easy to do and same goes for readjusting the amp once you are done. I really can't see anyone preferring the sound of the stock amp over this...

Have you heard the z3 series ? I would like to know how it compares with the O2mk1.

Yup but only at CanJam and my blood alcohol level never dropped below the legal limit... :D That said I was quick to spot that Stax had changed something as they sounded just fine on unfamiliar equipment. I've been trying to buy a used set to compare since then but none have surfaced that were cheap enough justify a short trip here just to sell it again.

The SZ2 I have here sounds lovely with just a little bending of the arcs and careful setup of the earpads but it would be nice to have a SZ3 to compare. Anybody have a set I can buy and place an epic Omega shootout, SR-Omega, Mk1, Mk2 and Mk2.5 plus the SR-009? :)

Anybody have a set I can buy and place an epic Omega shootout, SR-Omega, Mk1, Mk2 and Mk2.5 plus the SR-009? :)

If only..................


hi all,

i ve been enjoying my hybrid exstata for a while but the upgraditis has stiken me recently...especially since i heard it was badly designed by mr cavalli. the good news is that apparently he s was only a couple of parts off. Since i would feel bad selling my kit,knowing it s not really a good bang for buck amp, i thought i could salavage most of it onto a perforated board(i m a bit broken too), as per gilmore s rework:

middle of that page...

mr gilmore also posted after birgir s layout for a 400V version but then i m not sure how differently sounding it is. maybe there are other versions too but i ve not found them (SS version is even maybe simpler to build). 400v means more costly cap (i like simple filters for PSUs) and a new TX.

the question is: does my plan makes sense? or is there any other cheap competent alternatives? i know about the kgsshv but now i dont want to spend hundreds.

also, on gilmore s version the 120pf caps simulate the load capacitance and is not necessary?

your opinions would be appreciated.

by the way i m running some sr-5.



I see nothing wrong with selling the amp since these issues are all known and documented. I wouldn't bother modifying the boards since they are so small. Also the full blown Exstata 2.0 needs extra heatsinks to work properly.

Now the standard reply here would be KGSS but since Headamp is out of boards then it is not an option any more. You could build something truly simple like the Egmont type amps I've been working on. Cost is basically just the transformer and a handful of parts. I especially like the one I built with 6S4A output tubes.

  • 3 weeks later...

Since the SZ3 SR-007 Mk2 just showed up at my door I can safely say that there is a lot of difference between the SR-007's. The SR-007 mk1 we all know and love is about a flat as a transducer can be and never puts a foot wrong. Play them at crazy levels from a Blue Hawaii and they are still composed and clear. They are also equally at home with top quality recordings and something recorded on 8 track...

The SZ2 SR-007A I have here was the usual case when I got them, bass out of control and some mild midrange coloring. This set like all the other SZ2 units I've heard was also just a tad more forward then the Mk1. The bass and midrange issues were quickly resolved by playing with the fit (making the arc's larger in my case) so the end result is a slightly more forward take on the Mk1 with a bit of excessive bass bloom at the lower notes. It's a really nice combination and has made my Mk1 sit and collect dust for a few weeks now.

Now enter the SZ3 SR-007Mk2. Ever since it dawned on me that there clearly was a Mk2.5 model out there I've heard rumors of what Stax actually changed. The fit was certainly improved since the headband is looser and I haven't had to modify any of these sets to fit my head. They have also improved the port so now it closes when it should for a much more realistic bass response . There are also rumors that the drivers were changed again to use the same diaphragm material as the SR-009 uses. After a short listening session it is quite clear that something has changed, no midrange issues and the bass is nice and controlled but now they are just bloody bright. This is almost as bad as the SR-507 which is a headphone I'm not really fond of. :( Since I have spare SR-007 Mk1 drivers (who hasn't... ;)) I'll probably try a driver transplant and see if the drivers are at fault here.

All comparisons were done off my KGSS and all the headphones use Mk2 earpads. Otherwise they were all stock.

  • 3 weeks later...

I'd say the SR-3N is worth good money, but good enough that for a bit more, you might get a Lambda, and though I very much like the SR-3N like I like the Float 2, the Lambda is a better headphone.


WTB: Float 2.

Posted (edited)

I got PS2 Jecklin 'stats that you can borrow for an indeterminate amount of time if you agree to refurb them.

Edit: I also have a good number of Lambdas, SR-X Mk3 Pro, used to have a SR-5NB, and still have tons of non-Stax 'stats.

Edited by mypasswordis

Refurbing them isn't hard, and if you don't do what I posted as a guide and instead use the right tools and equipment instead of simply what you had laying about, then you'll be well served. But I'll do it if you're really keen on the scottish shipping system.


Anyone check out Judes take on the SR-009?

A fair opinionated assessment on his part I feel. Although overall i'm a little worried that he correlated brightness to detail, as i've always found the SR-007(sorry the HE90 doesn't even come close) to have the best transducer to pull the most information throughout the frequency ranges. I'm not sure if him stating that the SR-009 is the best headphone he's ever heard is a good thing or not, but I can't really complain considering how much I enjoy the HE90 as well.


Yeah I saw it.

Obviously done before the early production problems surfaced.

The top flight stat amp makers got some airtime as well,

although he was really schillin the Woo.

Long live the BHSE!


I think there should not be much problem with the brightness, there was one opinion with a bhse: "I see a long weekend coming... First impressions - one should send this package to Audez'e to show them how to ship a headphone And - forget the idea that BHSE and SR-009 might not work - it's a fabulous combination Coming from the O2, one starts turning the head left and right to "see" the whole stage - what used to be a (although very precise) small picture is now everywhere, all around... The 009 is brighter than the O2, but not as "glaring" as the HE60 - so it's exactly what I hoped it would be... lots and lots of perfectly defined bass, good voices, lots of details turning up one didn't notice before, no sibiliance... But not picky, even bootlegs that are pretty much unlistenable to on the O2 sound pretty good on the 009. Sorry that I don't have all the lingo down yet - but take my word, this is a fantastic combo "

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