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I heard a plainly bad sounding Stax over the weekend, the mighty Alpha Aperio. Wow, wtf were they thinking when they made this?

Truly dreadful is an understatement but my guess is that some of the distributors ask for a dynamic model to build on the brand name. Almost always a very bad idea...


Hehe could be. Speaking of the tit-anus, I just love it how this design was supposedly debuted to great fanfare at the Japan show when that set clearly used a 6 core Stax cable and was driven by a SRM-007t... :palm:


I believe they were the HE-90's. I had no familiar material with me so I didn't really have a chance to get good grasp of the sound....but nonetheless I'm curious now. (damnit)

I heard a pair of electrostats for the first time over the weekend and now my curiosity is piqued. I wonder how Stax sound in comparison.
Oh, shit, you had never heard electrostats before? Kinda wish Hirsch had fired up the Orpheus rig.

EDIT: Oh, wait, you think he did -- the look like HD580/HD600/HD650's, essentially? Then yes, that was the Orpheus. If they were round, then they were O2's.


OK, confession time, I'm basically middle-aged now, and I can't stop listening to Taylor Swift - Love Story. With the O2+BHSE, it's so fun!


Is there any recourse? Can I sue Stax or Justin for emotional distress?

Perhaps this will be an exception to that rule:

<pic of Chroma MD1>

I just love it how this design was supposedly debuted to great fanfare at the Japan show when that set clearly used a 6 core Stax cable and was driven by a SRM-007t...

Two completely different headphones. The MD1 is a dynamic, while the electrostratic prototype is...well, 'electrostatic'. :)

Still funny that he didn't use his own crappy ESP amps for his headphones...
Kinda makes sense for at least two reasons I can think of:

1. Those Rudistor e-stat amps are big & heavy - a royal pain to travel with, unless absolutely necessary.

2. Using a Japanese voltage Stax amp demonstrates how the headphone will work with your existing, off-the-shelf Stax amp, and solves #1.

Anyone hear or know anyone who heard them?

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