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Justin, what's the gain of the Slim? I see that you mention maximum 4.2V @ 250mA, but heck if I know what normal output levels are for a DAP...

Gain varies as you turn the knob.

I can set it at a max of about 5x

Gain varies as you turn the knob.

I can set it at a max of about 5x

so, most people will set the gain of the iPhone to max (I don't even know, is there a line-out for the iPhone?), what is that voltage approximately?

so, most people will set the gain of the iPhone to max (I don't even know, is there a line-out for the iPhone?), what is that voltage approximately?

I'm not exactly sure, I would think around 1Vrms

...is there a line-out for the iPhone?
It's the same connector as the iPod, so yes; but there are other issues (the software on the iPhone has a way of determining if the connector is iPhone compatible or not and complains, but I believe otherwise works).
It's the same connector as the iPod, so yes; but there are other issues (the software on the iPhone has a way of determining if the connector is iPhone compatible or not and complains, but I believe otherwise works).

The iPhone needs a resistor (I don't know the value) between two pins on the connector or it prompts you to put it in "Airplane mode" when you plug the LOD in. The LOD will still work without it but the prompt is anoying.

I had a guy over at HF make me a LOD with the resistor inside the plastic dock connector and it works great. I'll need a shorter one (or shorten the one I have) for use with the Slim though.

www.thecablepro.com has a new Earcandy 90 degree LOD for about $59 that works with iPhone (but I don't think it uses a resistor to disable the "not made for" message). I have one on the way and report on it soon. I met Ted The owner at RMAF, and my son and I dined with him, and he's a nice guy. I also like my CablePro Panorama 1/8" extension cable Ted made. I was also planning on getting one from Justin if he decides to make them later.

Maybe if I beg hard enough, my parents would help to partially fund this thing for my Christmas present. The timing couldn't be right enough, just right after I blew my bank account for Gamma2, Sigma25 and Sigma11 parts. :D


For the people discussing LODs, you might be interested to know that according to several people who've posted measurements, the newer iPods' headphone output measures better with no load than its line out. I'm talking about the 2G-and-later Touches and the Classic. So you're getting better measured performance from the headphone out via a simple mini-to-mini than you you are using a LOD. I'll try to find the pages to post here. I think I found them the first time through links from anythingbutipod.

Note that I didn't say that the headphone output sounds better than the lineout, only that it measures better. Personally, I'd guess that they'd be nearly indistinguishable, but if one did sound better I'd expect it to be the headphone out. I'm a big fan of DBT as the only way to substantiate claims about sound quality. Measurements don't prove anything. Anyone with an iPod and LOD want to try some double blind tests?

For the people discussing LODs, you might be interested to know that according to several people who've posted measurements, the newer iPods' headphone output measures better with no load than its line out.

Depends what is meant by 'no load'. The situation might be very different feeding different input impedances.


I guess we can find out the impedance of the lack-of-load used when I find the web pages I referred to, but the outputs were connected directly to the input of the soundcard. The iPod headphone out actually measures very well when it's not driving headphones, as you can see at the web page below:


The lineout measures pretty well too, just not as well as the headphone out.

I'll let you know when I find those web pages comparing the two.

I guess we can find out the impedance of the lack-of-load used when I find the web pages I referred to, but the outputs were connected directly to the input of the soundcard.

Well the input impedance of PC soundcards can be as low as 1500 ohms according to one reference I found. You can't expect a line level output to drive that effectively, particularly if it has output coupling capacitors. So the headphone output will certainly give a better result into that sort of load.

But increase the input impedance up to levels of typical amps, which is 10kohms and higher, the line level will start performing much better.

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