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Guys, looking to sell my MS1 and use the money to buy new phone. Which is better ? AD2k or W5k ? And would the 30-40% diff between AD2k and W5k justifiable ? I know I can always count on the opinion of the people in this forum......Appreciate any advise.....


I have Wooaudio WA6 and Glite......source pico or stello da100, listening to vocal, pop, s***th jazz, slow rock, adult contemporary, new age music. I owned esw9 and love its sound sig, just wish it has a better mid and more clarity/separation Thanks


ok well, the w5000 could be generally considered better,

but it is also very amp dependent, while the ad2000 isn't

banter aside, the w5000 needs more than just a g-lite,, not sure about woo, to bring out the bass more, unless you plan on modding it to F5000/F5005 or running it balanced in the future

It basically need a dedicated rig

the ad2000 you can run from anything, although I personally liked it with tubes.

So if I was given the choice, I'd go ad2000

that said, people have reported the ad900 as being more warm sounding so maybe that would be a better route in your case

why aren't you going for electrostats though? from my experience with the k340's, they're just simply better than dynamics could ever be


i hv esp950 right now and (allow me to reclaim my previous statement on the other thread) with e90 the sound is plain suck compared to my current dynamic phones. i hv kgss otw, crossing my fingers that it will improve......but thats another thread discussion

i hv esp950 right now and (allow me to reclaim my previous statement on the other thread) with e90 the sound is plain suck compared to my current dynamic phones. i hv kgss otw, crossing my fingers that it will improve......but thats another thread discussion

I agree with you that the Koss ESP950 sucks worse then many dynamics with the E90. Some will disagree, while I wish more people would get the hint before buying and then selling it before ever trying it with a Stax energizer.


@manaox - i've put it aside for the moment while waiting for the kgss.....sticking with dynamic for now

@pete - i've been meaning to find it used but so far have not found a good deal.....from this part of the world where i can buy it new, i cant even audition it.....


I would say the W5K and AD2K are both very synergy dependent. Both can sound bright and peaky with the majority of setups. Okay, the W5K is even more problematic. And then, as mentioned, you have the whole W5K fit issue.

From owning the W5K, borrowing the AD2K a couple times, and hearing them both on several setups at meets, I've never heard the W5K approach the AD2K at its best. And at its best, *cough* reel to reel *cough* Balancing Act, it can compete with the best cans out there.

I have Wooaudio WA6 and Glite......source pico or stello da100, listening to vocal, pop, s***th jazz, slow rock, adult contemporary, new age music. I owned esw9 and love its sound sig, just wish it has a better mid and more clarity/separation Thanks

ok well, the w5000 could be generally considered better,

but it is also very amp dependent, while the ad2000 isn't

banter aside, the w5000 needs more than just a g-lite,, not sure about woo, to bring out the bass more, unless you plan on modding it to F5000/F5005 or running it balanced in the future

It basically need a dedicated rig

the ad2000 you can run from anything, although I personally liked it with tubes.

So if I was given the choice, I'd go ad2000

that said, people have reported the ad900 as being more warm sounding so maybe that would be a better route in your case

why aren't you going for electrostats though? from my experience with the k340's, they're just simply better than dynamics could ever be

Naamanf's W5000 did not sound good on my Woo WA6 at all, no synergy there (was even worse with the DV336i). They were much better on Naamanf's M^3 with bass control. The AD2K were much better to my ears, and only a little different sounding from my ESW10JPN. I thought the AD2K were too close to my HD600 to keep, but I would guess you'd like them more. If you get the W5000 you will likely begin a new journey to find the right amp that synergizes with them.


I own both of these cans. But I'm terrible at describing what I hear.

W5000 is my favorite headphone on my stystem. I must be a blockhead (HCers, have fun with that gimme) as they fit me perfectly. Apparently this is a problem for most. Perfect for the genres you're listening to. This is the can I use most often.

AD2000 is the most comfortable headphone I have worn. More univerally loved and they will fit you. You will also enjoy them for the music you listen to. However, on some classic rock music they are simply not right. Last night I was using the AD2000 listening to a live version of Kansas. The recording sucked and the AD2000 was horrible. I switched to the W5000 and at least the music was listenable (is that even a word?). However, they are a better choice for the New Age music I've heard.

So the AD2000 is a safer purchase, but IMHO the W5000 is the better can if it fits and you have the right system for it.


penger - i live in indonesia and travels to HK frequently.....looking @buying it from HK

headphoneaddict - no way i'm going to search for another amp to synergize (is this even a word?) those headphones, been spending too much. It'll have to fit my existing setup or i'll just sell the ms1 and use the money to buy something else:)

thanks fr the input so far. Maybe the best for me is to find used ad2k. Cheaper and safer bet

  • 2 weeks later...
Naamanf's W5000 did not sound good on my Woo WA6 at all, no synergy there (was even worse with the DV336i). They were much better on Naamanf's M^3 with bass control.

A couple of years ago, SK138 also recommended the M^3 for the W5000. He described the experience as nearing HA5000 synergy but for lot less money.

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