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I might actually go for something like that. If I saw a YH-5M pop up FS I'd buy it in a flash. One of the manliest precision instruments ever made.

Depends which of us are the faster flash :P.

PS: the Aiwa from your sig is deffo my Aiwa! :D

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Depends which of us are the faster flash :P.

PS: the Aiwa from your sig is deffo my Aiwa! :D

Hah, indeed. And depending on where it is in the world.. probably Japan.

Curse you and all the large driver orthos you've owned.:P I haven't even owned one... yet. I hope.

Heard these at the NY fall meet today, and was quite impressed. I'll definitely be ordering a pair when they're available, which should be in the next 2-3 weeks or so.

How do you think the HE-5 performed in comparison Wayne? :)

How do you think the HE-5 performed in comparison Wayne? :)

I didn't really compare them side by side, nor did I listen to the same music on each, plus is was a loud room and fairly short listening sessions. I wasn't even thinking in terms of which was better because I had already bought the HE-5 and was only interested in getting a guy feel about whether that was a good decision (it was) and whether to add the LCD-2 into my mix of headphones (and I definitely will).

They both sounded excellent to me. The LCD-2 seems to have an even wider soundstage, but probably a little more flat (as in neutral, non-colored, docile) and more O2-like in the sense of getting out of the way and letting the music shine through seamlessly. The HE-5 seemed a tad more aggressive, fun, and perhaps even somewhat colored in certain ways (although I didn't have enough time with them to pinpoint the why's and how's of this observation; it's more of a gut feeling). They just seemed more toe tapping, ever-present and noticeable.

Of course, I've never been able to determine for myself which of these descriptions I like best. It's probably mood dependent. What's better? The O2 or the Jade? Same kind of thing with the LCD-2 and HE-5. They both passed the test in terms of being a great bang for the buck (SQ and build quality) so I'll get to know them better as an owner rather than trying to make firm conclusions under meet conditions.


I actually was quite surprised by how much I preferred the HE-5. I dunno, I just found the LCD2 to be muddy and congested, too bassy, and hot, heavy, and uncomfortable to wear. There were two pairs there, one with solid leather pads, and another with leather/velour hybrids, kinda like what the HE90 does. Alex mentioned it isnt done yet, about a month off or so I think, and that the cable was going to be removable and connect by mini-xlr (balance-able, not like some of the AKGs).


I never liked the YH-100, either my own pair or NoNoNoNoNoNo's modded pair. I dunno, I REALLY like the HE-5, actually agreed to buy it today.

Didnt try a Millett with the Audez'e, but my normal Max was a bit bass light with the 25ohm HE-5. Easily could be a function of the 470uf output caps, so if I were going to try it, I would probably go for at least 1000uf there. I much prefer my l'espressivo.


Nope, gotta get around to trying the O2 pads. Dont really have any other pads which seem suitable, though I wonder if AKG pads would work, as the mounting looks very similar.


I've been listening a lot to the LCD-1 now, and what's lacking, after all, is low bass presence (with my amplifier). Really low notes are slightly too weak I think, especially when I play at low volume, on the XcanV3. If the LCD-2 improves on that but maintains the air, and wonderful deep and wide presentation of the music... then I'd find it hard to resist.


The biggest differences to my ears between the LCD-1 and 2 from when I heard them a while back was the bass and soundstage - both were dramatically improved in the 2. It's not worth resisting... but it's saddening that the production schedule keeps getting pushed back.

Nope, gotta get around to trying the O2 pads. Dont really have any other pads which seem suitable, though I wonder if AKG pads would work, as the mounting looks very similar.

O2 pads fit? Hrmm wonder what that would do...

I actually was quite surprised by how much I preferred the HE-5. I dunno, I just found the LCD2 to be muddy and congested, too bassy, and hot, heavy, and uncomfortable to wear. There were two pairs there, one with solid leather pads, and another with leather/velour hybrids, kinda like what the HE90 does. Alex mentioned it isnt done yet, about a month off or so I think, and that the cable was going to be removable and connect by mini-xlr (balance-able, not like some of the AKGs).

Did they have the new headband?

All the other things don't sound promising... maybe a crapload of damping would help that out, but who knows what it would do to soundstage. The velours leak bass so the HE5 would probably also sound muddy and bassy with sealing leather pads. And so the wait continues.

So mini 4-pin, or dual mini 3-pins? (I.E. single entry or dual entry?)

He didnt say, and I didnt ask. He also did say they would be offering upgrade cables, and laughed and agreed when he saw me roll my eyes.

O2 pads fit? Hrmm wonder what that would do...

Not fit exactly, no way to attach them with the stock method, but they are almost exactly the right size. I will try them pressure fit. Probably would have to use double sticky tape to affix them, unless one got creative.

Did they have the new headband?

All the other things don't sound promising... maybe a crapload of damping would help that out, but who knows what it would do to soundstage. The velours leak bass so the HE5 would probably also sound muddy and bassy with sealing leather pads. And so the wait continues.

The headband looked like a little more finished version of the one we have seen pics of. Dunno if it is final. You wouldnt like them, at least in this form. Maybe more open pads and more damping would fix it, but I dunno. They had partial velour pads, leather side/velour against the head, but same complaint. Maybe a bit less, but there was probably an hour between when I listened to both of them, so I wouldnt really want to try and say.

Yeah I don't think I would, either. I think the velour against the head is just for comfort issues and the sides being made of leather still seals in the bass, so I wouldn't expect any difference.

Should be some difference, as you dont get the leather-skin seal.

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